
In just 5 days, get ready to:

Hosted by Mellissa Seaman JD

Intuitive Business Mentor,

Founder of Channel Your Genius

A group of wise woman standing in a semi circle inside of a thatched hutch. They have joined hands and seem to be having deep thoughts.

welcome wise woman,

I'm Mellissa Seaman.

I’m a Stanford educated former business attorney who had a big intuitive awakening in the year 2000 with the birth of my daughter.  Since then, I’ve been paid thousands of dollars per hour by creative tech founders, Fortune 100 executives, and professional creatives and designers around the world to help them leverage their intuitive gifts for success in biz and life.   

I’m an expert in helping creative, intuitive, wise women to step into their deepest wisdom, their most profound spiritual power, while remaining grounded, respected, wise, and wealthy.

If you are a wise woman, whom people rely on for guidance and advice because you are  BOTH spiritual AND pragmatic, I made this for you.  See, recently, “wisdom” has become a really hot sexy commodity tossed around by young souls who are putting it on like a costume.  And you likely feel FRUSTRATED because while you are deeply spiritual, you are also a grounded smart self-responsible grownup.  Perhaps you get turned off by overly-woo super performative shiny self-proclaimed guru types.  Maybe you long for something deeper, with a sisterhood that goes deeper, with some mentors and wisdom-teachers who are at your level of depth.  

I GET IT. I created this 5 episode series to put words to what you and I are devoted to – real authentic wisdom.  Not instagram-sparkle wisdom.  Not let’s dress up in silks and pretend wisdom.  Not big booming voice preacher wisdom.  But the real deal.  Ancient wisdom embodied now in ways that light this world up, solve real problems.

You’re in the right place.  I want to share all of this with you –  because I know that it’s the wise women who can turn this world around.  I want to empower you here to do what your soul came here to do, with ease, grace, and abundance.

Featured in:

The breakdown

Here's What We're Covering Each Day

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