Wisdom Collective

Membership with authentic teachings, regular clearings, and supportive community for Modern Wise Women.
A woman with long brown hair wearing a bright red ornate dress stands on a stone path surrounded by trees, posing with her arms up as she is reaching for the sky and a pond next to her.

Wisdom Collective

Membership with authentic teachings, regular clearings, and supportive community for Modern Wise Women.

For Wise Women in a wild world... Wisdom teachings, clearings, and inspiration for your ongoing upgrades.

  • From crazy busy – to rested perfect timing
  • From overwhelmed – to spacious enthusiasm
  • From gunked up – to crystal clear
  • From lonely on the path – to embraced in community
  • From vague connection – to relevant spirit guidance
  • From ungrounded woo-woo – to authentic ancient/modern wisdom
You’ll learn with real deal wisdom-keepers who are grounded, accessible, and empowering, and you’ll stay clear and supported for your own sacred path as a Wise One yourself.
This membership is a community, a field of effortless healing and connection, and an ancient modern mystery school that is designed to empower you, not control or indoctrinate you.
Come to weekly live gatherings and quarterly ceremony retreat days online, or simply bathe in the intentional field while you listen to the audio recordings that will satisfy your curiosity and clear your energy. There’s no pressure, no homework, and no limitations. There’s always resources to learn, grow, relax, and celebrate. In this sanctuary, you can relax, learn, and release your burdens, so you can shine your light in the world. This is the enrichment and clearing support you need to stay clear and inspired as a leader in your own wisdom path.
A group of wise woman sitting at a table and having a good time with woods and trees in the background.
A woman sitting indoors holding a large card while having a blue mug, a candle and a intuitive map next to her. She is wearing an orange jump suit and wearing a gold necklace.
A woman stands outdoors holding a large yellow chalice and wearing a yellow dress. She is wearing a beautiful smile and staring at the sun.

Is this YOU?

You’re picky.

You’re a wise one yourself. So you’re very choosy about who you learn from. You need mentors who are experts in their field, not just self-proclaimed gurus with a big marketing budget. Where do you go to find authentic, experienced, real-deal wisdom-teachers who can hold you, big as you are? Where do you go to relax and connect with sisters?

You want the real story.

You are re-membering ancient wisdom. You long to get the true story about the old information you are remembering, not just some fanciful fantasy. You want teachings that are grounded in history/science and also profoundly spiritually empowering. You want to re-claim your more natural “indigenous” wisdom without stealing culture. You want mentors who can guide you to re-claiming what is true, and what is yours – easily, naturally, authentically.

You’re busy.

You want the direct transmission from the real-deal teachers. You want regular clearings that can keep your channel open, and keep you happy. But you need to be able to access it easily. Sometimes, a live video call is great. But when you’re swamped, you really need this stuff in 20 minute increments you can listen to while you do the laundry or lie on the Bemer mat.

We Got You.

Welcome to the Wisdom Collective.

A woman stands outdoors in a pond with her arms stretched up in an embrace to the sky. The sun is shining in the background amongst all the large trees. She is wearing a brown jumpsuit while enjoying the water and nature.

A peek inside of this membership

Live weekly 1-hour online gatherings
Classes with Mellissa and her mentors.

Clearings that leave your energy cleaner
and lighter every week

Online Mystery School
Audio & Video classes, clearings, and practices you can use anytime.

Private Circle Community
Forum (not Facebook!)

Quarterly Online Rejuvenating
Ceremony Retreat Days

Mellissa’s Magical Calendar
Know the important energetic dates coming up

A group of wise woman standing in a semi circle inside of a thatched hutch. They have joined hands and seem to be having deep thoughts.

Want to join us for retreats + private support?

If you want MORE than the $47/month membership, you can upgrade to the Wisdom Mastermind level for $495/month, which includes a monthly PRIVATE tune-up session, access to all my business creation courses and forum, and quarterly IN PERSON retreat days.

A woman stands outdoors in a deep purple colored top. She has a slight smile on her face as the sun shines above her with trees visible in the background.
A woman sits outdoors holding a large drum and drumstick while her eyes are fixated on a computer. She is wearing a deep red floral dress and a beaded necklace, with pine trees visible in the background.
A woman stands outdoors holding 3 young baby chicks in her hands while smiling largely. She is wearing a green top with a white beaded necklace with pine trees and rocks visible in the background.
A woman stands outdoors holding a large drum and drumstick while her eyes are closed. She is wearing a yellow top and a beaded necklace, with a pine tree visible in the background.

Hi, I’m Mellissa Seaman

I was a Stanford educated lawyer when I got accidentally psychic in the year 2000 with the birth of my daughter. I’d always been intuitive, but I didn’t believe in all this stuff previously – the spirit guides, the energy healing, the divination, and the other dimensional realities – until suddenly I could see and communicate with ALL of it at once! Woof.
Yah, it was overwhelming at first. But, like any good overly-educated lawyer, I began to create systems for it all. I organized my spirit guides so I could use them to get stuff done. I designed my own systems for tracking energy and healing folks, so I could co-create with spirit realms easily with great results. And created new ways of marketing and doing business as a professional wise woman.
I’m not here to be your guru, or to convince you to do it my way. In the past 20+ years of being a mentor for other women who are natural channels, prophets, and oracles, I’ve learned that it’s best when our mentors encourage us to develop our OWN ways of connecting and collaborating with spirit and natural magic. Now I’ve got an abundant business I love, my 20 acre retreat center home, and an opportunity to help YOU step into your fullest intuitive gifts, your most powerful creative abilities, and your best-fit inspired business.  I hope you’ll check me out, take my quiz, and reach out if you’re ready for the clarity, clearing, and connection working with me brings!
However, I’ve also noticed that we all do better when we are constantly expanding into new schools of wisdom, new frameworks and systems, and when we form a supportive understanding COMMUNITY with each other. We need the guidance and support of multiple master teachers and mentors so we can keep expanding.
But master teachers who bridge spirit and earth with integrity, I’ve come to recognize, are precious and few. I’ve spent twenty years and more choosing wisdom-teachers for myself who are as grounded as they are inspiring, as real-world embodied as they are other-world connected, and as funny as they are profound.

Now I want to share them with you.

I will anchor the container sharing a powerful pathway for ongoing upgrades that my wise women clients are already loving. And then I’ll bring in the BEST master-teachers to spark you with remembrance of the mysteries that have been suppressed. Everything is anchored with powerful practices that we can use in our modern busy lives. Inspiration, clearing, and community for you, Wise Woman.
You are invited.

How does it work?

Each month, you can receive a clearing, several trainings, and potent energetic upgrades in a different Archetype of your power as a Wise Woman.

Attend what you’d like, when you can, and tap the rest via our private recorded replays. We will be holding you, supporting you, and sending clearing via the collective field no matter how you choose to participate!

  • Live Weekly one hour class happens Tuesdays at Noon PST.
  • Recordings of all events are available to you.
  • Enjoy effortless Clearings either live in the weekly classes, or in the ethers – you’ll feel it either way!
  • Access foundational Video courses at will to heal your Life Passages, lift your energy, and learn best practices that make a difference in your life.
  • Feel supported and connected anytime 24/7 in our private forum community inside of the Circle App.
  • Download Mellissa’s Magical Calendar to stay aware of the important dates, times, moons and energy transits that make life easier.
  • Attend quarterly day-long ceremony retreats online to stay in sync with the power of the seasons.

We use this map of monthly archetypes, called the Wheel of Wisdom. It is based on a medicine wheel concept, and includes the energies of every season and month (designed for the Northern Hemisphere). It also aligns with the 9 Life passages, and the 3 passages that happen between Death and Conception. (Hey, we cover it ALL!)

Each month, our collective will focus on clearing and upgrading an archetype of your power. The monthly archetypes create a natural progression so you never feel lost, overwhelmed, or disconnected from the wisdom-expanding journey.

Here is a little preview of the topics we cover in the Wisdom Collective, sourcing from master teachers in various traditions/Wisdom Ways:

October: Bridge

  • Learn Death & Resurrection Mysteries
  • New ways to deal with Spirits and Ghosties
  • Align with the Highest Powers and Allies (even through bees!)
  • Clear fears of relating directly with Spirit

November: Shadowdancer

  • Learn easy ways to clear your layers
  • Relax into Liminal Space through Journey Ceremony
  • Shrug off last year’s gunk for a fresh start
  • Enter the holidays feeling resourced and clear

December: Hermit

  • Learn Dreaming Mysteries from several Wisdom Ways
  • Tap the Power of the Dark Void of Potential
  • Visionary Genius Practices
  • Embody Peace and Sacredness through holiday madness

January: Architect

  • Clarify your Powerful Intention for Easeful Manifestation
  • Vision Your Future into Being
  • Tap Collective power for building what’s next
  • Create constellations of power and beauty to anchor intention

February: Adventurer

  • Clarify, and leverage the power of your YES.
  • Cultivate your own adventures to avoid boredom or overwhelm.
  • Tap the power of passion potential through various Wisdom Ways
  • Grow your vital power as your spirit inhabits this life fully.

March: Creature

  • Co-create directly with the land with tips from lineages that know
  • Tap your body’s wisdom to new levels of joy and wellness
  • Re-member rituals from Wisdom Ways that touch us all.
  • Clear the blocks to feeling amazing in this meat suit.

April: Sovereign

  • Clear the mental patterns and limitations you don’t need, effortlessly.
  • Learn the mind magic that creates positive reality.
  • Release guilt, shame, and obligation you don’t need anymore.
  • Step into your next level of sovereign wisdom
  • Make great choices balancing intellect and intuition.

May: Fool

  • Have more fun every day activating your Magical Child.
  • Increase your imaginative power through various Wisdom Ways.
  • Tap the power of the elementals, fairies, and creatures.
  • Allow miracles to surprise you regularly.

June: Co-creator

  • Step joyfully into your next level of embodied creative power.
  • Activate your sensual juicy magic in whatever Wisdom Way appeals to you.
  • Clear blocks to your pleasure of all kinds
  • Manifest miracles through co-creating directly with nature and spirit.

July: Specialist

  • Discover your soul’s gifts, your talents, and your unique transmission.
  • Learn to describe your specialness to others in ways they understand.
  • Clear the blocks to feeling worthy, cherished, and valued.
  • Step into your life purpose with excitement and fulfillment

August: Contributor

  • Clarify your best fit role in the world.
  • Step into a unique path of joyful service.
  • Balance your work and play to honor your rhythm of contentment.
  • Clear the blocks to speaking up, standing on your own, and serving with joy.

September: Sage

  • Connect with and organize your Spirit Guides for easy collaboration.
  • Release the old obligations to become un-fu**-with-able.
  • Ground your Wisdom in your Harvested Life Experience.
  • Activate your Inner Wise One for confidence, peace, and profound contentment.

What people say...

about working with Mellissa

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some forthright answers to the questions you might have rolling around in your head!

This membership is designed for women (and those who are happy to associate as, flow with, and vibe as sisters in a womxn centered space) who are intuitive, creative, and wise ones in their own lives. It’s not just for spiritual entrepreneurs, but many of us do walk a path of service where we bring healing, guidance, and wisdom to the world.

The other teachers are mentors who Mellissa herself has vetted, utilized, learned from, and leaned on for years! Currently this includes Alora Cheek, who is a master teacher and energy healer in the area of mind magic and manifestation, a 25-year teacher of Law of Attraction, shamanic journey and more. Also, Cheyanna Bone will bring the honeybee magic of the Pollen Mysteries, in ways that help us re-member the oracular and healing energies of the bee and hive. Maria Yraceburu is Mellissa’s indigenous mama, a ceremonialist and storyteller of the Tlish Diyan tradition, which she learned growing up with her grandfather Ten Bears on the While Mountains Apache Reservation in Arizona. Jeremiah DaRosa is a Julliard-trained musician and sound healer who brings harmonization experiences for each archetype every month. There will be other master teachers who support us along the way, always in alignment with each month’s archetype, healing, and upgrades!

When you sign up, your first monthly payment of $47 will be charged on your card. You have one week to check it out, and ask for a refund if you don’t like it.  So it’s up to you to tune in, and speak up if you’re not a fit. Once in, you are committing to staying in for at least 4 months before you go to a month-to-month membership commitment. That means after your first 4 months are up, you can quit at any time with one month’s notice. And no, you don’t keep all the stuff when you leave. This is a living breathing ever-expanding container, so we don’t even try to bottle that up and send you home with a doggie bag of recordings. Honestly, no one really looks at a file full of digital recordings anyway, and it’s a drain on the container energetically. So stay in for as long as you love the teachings, clearings, and community, and know that you will get to stay at your low entry monthly price for as long as you stay in!

Every 3 months or so, Mellissa and team hold space for a day retreat online. You tune in from wherever you are. Expect to enjoy powerful clearing and ceremony, plus an exercise that you will do out on the land wherever you are. If you want to come for in-person retreats, and you want to have personalized monthly sessions too, check out the next item in this list…. 😉

The Wisdom Mastermind is the higher level of this program, adding a personalized session for clearing and clarity each month, plus the option to come to some of the retreat days in person on Mellissa’s land in the Sierra mountains of California (about an hour from Sacramento). It also includes access to ALL of Mellissa’s intuitive business curriculum, with live classes on Thursdays for business development and a question/answer business forum.  This mentorship level is currently only $495/month.

In addition to the Wisdom Collective, Mellissa offers a high-touch business coaching and development program called the Channel Your Genius Business Mentorship. You can choose the Mastermind level mentorship described in the last question above, or the higher Business Mentorship level where Mellissa personally guides, coaches, and even copy-edits your work! Learn more at Academy.channelyourgenius.com/enroll.

Wisdom Collective is for you
if you want to:

This is your invitation…
Does your soul say YES?

A woman stands outdoors in a deep orange colored dress. She is leaning on a large tree while the sun is shining on her. She has a beautiful smile and there are white flowering trees in the background.

Join us in the Wisdom Collective

Oh Wise One, you deserve to be inspired, infused, cleared, and supported along your path by master teachers from a nice variety of mystery school ways.

Mellissa and her mentors are the kind of grounded authentic teachers who can guide and support you.

Join the Wisdom Collective now while it is still under $50/month. Even if the price goes up for others, those who join now will stay at the low intro price. Don’t miss this chance to be a founding member in what is already a potent community.