Losing Religion

welcome gifted one,

I'm Mellissa Seaman.

I’m a Stanford educated former business attorney who had a big intuitive awakening in the year 2000 with the birth of my daughter.  I was a Catholic, a mom, a professional, and suddenly I was kinda psychic (yes seriously).  Well, with my lawyer brain, I went to work creating systems and maps for the path of intuitive awakening for educated professional people.  

Over the past twenty years, I’ve helped tens of thousands of people around the world to bridge the worlds of spirituality and business, meaning and money, intellect and intuition.  Tech company founders, Fortune 100 execs, and spiritually minded visionary entrepreneurs pay me to help them choose the right focus, the right path, and the right business plan, all while helping them activate their own intuitive intelligence without losing respect, relationships, or revenue.

It can be overwhelming to discover your true gifts, your most fulfilling path, and even your ideal business.  That’s why I’ve created a fun a map for you to follow.

Taking the Soul Gift Quiz is your first step.

I believe that intuition is natural.  

I know that all of us, in our best moments are open (sometimes accidental) “channels” of the best stuff – what I call “genius.”

It is my honor and pleasure to show you:

1. What your unique gifts and genius are.

2. How to give your gifts to create great respect, relationships, and revenue.

3. The path to opening your own unique intuition, clearing the old gunk, and stepping into your unique channel of genius with real world results.

Take the Soul Gift Quiz now, and after answering 7 easy questions in just two minutes, you’ll know what your soul came here to do.

What others have said about their results ...