Thanks for taking the Work With Me survey!

You’ve indicated that you would like guidance and support in your intuitive awakening, developing your own gifts, and finding your true purpose.
Soul Clearing & Clarity Series
This 6 session 3-month package includes:
You get this life-changing series of 6 one-on-one sessions for $7,500, a savings of over $3,000.

Not sure what's the right next step?

Book a complimentary session with Mellissa and find out!

Genius Revealing VIP Day

A day long reading, clearing, and clarifying session that will lay out your unique purpose along with clear ways of describing what your soul came here to do.
You will finally understand …
This is as deep as a clarity-inducing intuitive reading can go. It is a life-changer.

Genius Blueprint Session

What’s your soul’s purpose?
Your right role?
What is your best way to bring your gifts to the world, as a biz or otherwise?
To dive into your purpose, and let yourself be revealed, you can get the Genius Blueprint Session!

Not sure what's right for you?

Book a complimentary session with Mellissa and find out!