Scroll down to see my various offerings, or...

Wisdom Collective

Wisdom Collective, a membership at $47 a month, for helping women to develop their intuitive genius with weekly master classes with Mellissa and her own experienced wisdom teachers. Includes three day-long online retreats each year.

Wisdom Mastermind

Wisdom Mastermind at $495/mo includes the Wisdom Collective classes, but goes deeper with weekly intimate mastermind zoom calls to receive direct personalized training and individualized intuitive readings. Members at this level also receive a personalized distance tune-up clearing session with audio report every month, and are invited to come to the three day-long retreats a year in person on Mellissa’s land.

Business Mentorship

Business mentorship at $995 a month, with private expert copy-editing, weekly live coaching zoom calls, a library of step-by-step video trainings, a monthly private business coaching session, and all the personalized clearings and readings in the Wisdom Mastermind.

Leader’s Circle

Leaders Circle at $3500/month is Mellissa’s high-end  leadership mastermind for intimate direct apprenticeship level mentorship.  Personalized support and ongoing access directly to Mellissa. This includes two monthly sessions with Mellissa (one for clarity, one for clearing), three 4-day land retreats, and personalized feedback, channeling, and on-demand copy-editing in a private google doc and via direct messenger.  

VIP Mentorship

VIP Mentorship is Mellissa’s highest level of service and access for creative leaders of resource and impact who utilize her as their advisor, their Energy Healer, and their secret of success. They enjoy regular and ongoing direct access for very personal support both at a distance energetically and via phone. It’s like they have Mellissa in their pocket, and they feel her support energetically every day. They may also schedule one on one healing and retreat work in person and other experiences specifically designed to heal their life passages, to repattern old habits and trauma, and to receive direct transmission based spiritual upgrades. This level starts at $8500 a month.


Genius Revealer $11

Learn your gifts, your right role, your genius and your life purpose

Valuable Expert $197

Identify your best expertise, your ideal niche, and your best business

Build Your Quiz $297

Step-by-step training to build your own client-attracting quiz funnel

What past clients have said ...

about their experience working with Mellissa


Corporate Contracts

VIP Business Clarity Session

A four-hour experience for $9950, this intuitive and business strategy session reveals your deepest gifts and talents, your soul’s contract and purpose for this lifetime, your best fit business, your ideal client, best offering, pricing, and signature system, as well as the written copy for your website, your sales page, and a 3 phase proposed business plan timeline. A clearing of your blocks to success anchors this intensive day of clarity! This is all delivered via recorded zoom call and full written report.

Intuitive Strategy Sessions

Delivered over zoom – for clarity, copy support, or intuitive guidance – One hour for $2,000.  Thirty minutes for $1500.

Profound Shamanic Clearing

A distance session that releases patterns from the root soul level, including soul retrieval, extraction, and more – with audio report $2,000

Speaking and Retreats

Day rate for speaking, facilitating, leading retreat or the like – $10,000/day plus business class travel including overnight food and lodging on either side of the facilitation day.