Have all the clarity you need to create your perfect-fit business!

VIP Business
Clarity Session

Have all the clarity you need to create your perfect-fit business!

In 4 hours, Mellissa will reveal your...

Have all the clarity you need to create your perfect-fit business!
A woman sits outdoors on large rocks in an army green outfit. She has a beautiful smile on her face and the sun is shining brightly as foilage is seen in the background.

In one day, you’ll have clarity.

Have a clear answer to
"What do you do?"
that gets you new clients and raving fans every time you say it.
Clear the unseen blocks that have been keeping you...

stuck under the surface, no matter what you do.

A business plan

that lays out your path to making $10K+ per month doing sacred work.

Clarify your Signature System

that will make sense of your creative work to anyone.

Finally know the unique niche you fill
so everyone understands your genius and values you highly.
Walk away from your session

with the perfect words you can use immediately to attract and enroll your ideal clients.

Let Mellissa download all the clarity...

Jumpstart the clarity you’ve been needing to create your perfect-fit lucrative business.


About the VIP Session

Who is it for?

Spiritually-minded business owners who are offering transformative, intuitive, or creative services. Wise women often need help choosing the perfect-fit niche, and crafting a business plan that makes sense and generates high income. We change, and our businesses need to change to keep up.  

Why do we need it?
Even the most intuitively gifted entrepreneur often struggles to put words to our own unique gifts, offerings, and business descriptions. It prevents many gifted people from making great money. We resist picking a specialty because we don’t want to sell out or reduce the impact of our sacred work. But unless we get clear, we struggle to find clients, find it hard to make enough money, and suffer knowing we are not yet having the impact our souls came here to have.
How is Mellissa’s approach different?

Instead of feeding you some canned process, or leaving you to struggle for years trying to identify what the heck you do… In 4 intense hours, Mellissa simply channels through your perfect-fit niche, your ideal business plan, and the magic words that describe what you do so that people finally get you, hire you, and pay you. She is not JUST a brilliant business strategist – a Stanford-educated former business attorney. She is also a visionary who sees into you – revealing your purpose clearly. She’s a master healer who removes long-held blocks to clarity, confidence, and success. She’s an oracle who mediates with your spirit guides as well as your mind to identify the perfect-fit biz that pleases both your personality and your soul. And she’s an expert “copy-writer” who identifies the perfect words for your marketing, as well as a strategic plan that fits you perfectly. You get ALL she has to offer in one whopper life-changing session.

Here’s what’s included in this 4-hour Zoom session:

The first part of your session reveals your deepest gifts, your soul’s purpose, your life purpose, and WHO you are truly here for. You end up with a clear description of your most valuable expertise and marketable niche.
The next part is a profound clearing session, deeper than you’ve likely experienced before. Since your core purpose was just revealed, your self-sabotage patterning “lights up” for Mellissa to see, track, and clear from the very root, once and for all.
Finally, after you are feeling clear on all levels with your own expertise and soul’s calling, Mellissa lays out your best marketing language, reveals your Signature System that is underneath your work, and reveals a 3-Phase Business Plan for you, so you have a step-by-step plan to get where you are going.
A woman with long brown hair wearing a bright red ornate dress stands on a stone path surrounded by trees, posing with her in a relaxed lean as she is smiling in the sunshine. There are lots of trees and foliage surrounding her in the background.

Sign up to get all the clarity you
need to create your perfect-fit business!

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