Conversational Marketing
is the only thing that works now!

Video Transcript

Wow. The truth about marketing and how it’s changed even for really gifted, supportive, holistic business. That’s right in front of our faces and we’re not seeing it already in the past couple years. You’ve stopped reading your emails. Let’s be honest. First thing you do is scroll through them and check all the ones that you don’t even want to open.

You’re unsubscribing from more and more stuff. Why? Because we are overwhelmed with this barrage of pushy marketing content that’s probably all created by robots this point. Anyways. It feels impersonal. It feels boring. And these strategies of like, come get your free gift. Download the free e-book. Come watch this free class. You’re not falling for them anymore. If you’re not falling for them anymore, neither are your clients.

In a time when now things are getting push, you’re more polarized, more stressful. The last thing anyone wants is a pushy, impersonal marketing pitch. We’re over it completely. And if you’re over it, your clients are over it. So what do you do? You’ve got a wisdom based business. You’ve got something that can really help people. How the heck are they ever going to hear about you now?

Ads aren’t working like they used to. Email marketing is dismal. This whole see these systems like product launch formula and the video sales letter and all these fill in the blank template teased pitch it in this certain way. Modalities are now completely transparent. And they not only don’t work, but they mark you as one of that kind of people who barrages their list with the same old, same old, pushy, boring, impersonal messaging.

And that’s the antithesis of what you really are.

Look. The only thing any of us are really longing for right now is the juice of personalized connection. How do you give that juice of personalized connection? Through email, through video, through these tech tools that we have? It is possible, but you can’t fake it. The good news is, if you’re an authentic, gifted business owner, you don’t want to fake it.

It’s not even natural for you to fake it. So the tools that are working now can actually work for you better than they work for the standard good old boys business and their systems. It’s why in my programs I only teach conversation based, authenticity based or direct personal information based systems for marketing. What does that even mean? Well, I’ve already proclaimed the gifts and beauty of the quiz funnels to you ad nauseum.

And if I haven’t yet, just search here in my in my material and you’ll find me being a quiz evangelist, because having a quiz at the front of how you meet people is the great way to start. Strike up a really personal conversation, one that they’re choosing to have. But beyond that, beyond having a quiz funnel, which I highly recommend and I’m happy to help you build one that fits your business and your system beyond that.

It’s time to get creative. It’s time to bring the system that underlies your gifted business into conversation with people, personalized, deeply acknowledging conversation, whether that’s by sharing really personal solo podcasts like this one I’m giving you because I’m fired up about this today, or whether it’s creating, a private series like a private podcast series that’s behind the behind, you know, permission wall, where you’re telling them secrets, you really need them to know that are specific to who they are and what they’re dealing with in a down to earth way.

Marketing now has to be something that they are choosing to engage in, not something that you’re shoving down their throats with an email because they’re not even going to open it. And if you try and trick them with some kind of subject line, that’s a hook that gets them to open the email. And then there’s nothing in there related to the hook that will block your ass.

And they should. We need to stop using trickery to communicate with potential clients, because it shows them that you are against them. I’ve been using a new tool called Video Ask that I’m really enjoying and you can use video to go back and forth, almost like your ring. Potential clients. That’s a good one. But the tool itself doesn’t get you very far.

If you don’t have a strategy. The strategy is what we’ve been talking about in my business academy this month. And just to give you an idea of what it is. You begin by acknowledging like when you first meet new clients, potential new clients, they’re worried about an urgent problem. That’s the niche that you’ve also heard me talk about so many times.

The niche that’s the urgent, critical, down to earth problem that they’re experiencing that you can help with right off the bat. And that’s so they’re so urgent to solve it that they’re willing to pay a stranger like you for help to solve it. You need to have a niche. Why? Because these people don’t know you, and you need to show them proof of concept.

They’re not going to hire you just because you’re cute. They need to know that you’re going to solve a problem for them. So you start with that bite size thing. And then in my program in the academy, we’re also mapping out what’s your beginning client then wanting after that. And how do you talk to them where they’re at so that you’re being inviting and specific to them.

And then what’s the intermediate problem you solve when they recognize, whoa, there’s a deeper problem afoot. And I actually need to develop some solutions over time with some expert help. That’s like your core program. And there’s a different message that you want to give them. Now I’m I know I’m not being specific because I don’t know what your business is.

If I know what your business is or if I knew you were in my academy, I could be a lot more specific. But. But keep in mind that your client needs to hear from you in different ways along their entire journey. If they’re ready for the really deep advanced work, great. But most people who approach you, who don’t even know you, they’re not looking to do your deepest work with you.

They don’t even know you. So this is what we’re working on the academy right now. And I specialize in working with wise women, that is, women who are business owners, who are giving something that’s transformative services that are that go deeper than the average bear. but even if what you’re doing is not a wise woman business, I just really invite you to consider how you can create and hold conversations with people, with your people, about what’s true, about where they’re at, not just where you wish they were, and using tools that make it a conversation, make it personal.

So here I invite you. I invite you to comment here. Like, tell me what you’re concerned about with your marketing. Tell me what you’re noticing is no longer working because my clients are noticing that five day challenges, they’re not working. You get a bunch of signups, but those people don’t really engage because they’re overwhelmed. summits, same people sign up for your summit, but they never listen to the recordings.

Why? Because they’re overwhelmed and it’s impersonal. What is working? Conversation? What is working group calls. You know, I offer a seat in a group call to anyone who takes my $95 Pathfinder experience, for example. And even though people pay me $2,000 an hour to strategize, give them a one on one session. Somebody can come and get a one on one, face to face laser reading with me just by signing up for a $95 Pathfinder experience.

Why? Because I actually want to talk to my potential clients. I feel really frustrated when I hear my clients and my colleagues saying, oh, I don’t do sales calls anymore. I don’t talk to people anymore. If they want to work with me, they have to message me and they just have to invest. And I’m like, you, you, you don’t want to talk to your people.

Isn’t that a problem? If you don’t want to talk to your potential clients? People are already pretty pre-qualified like they could become clients with you. Don’t you want to talk to those people? If you don’t want to talk to them, are you in the wrong line of business? Are you so overwhelmed yourself as a business owner, but now you don’t want to even have conversation with potential clients being that’s a red flag, it’s time to simplify, but not depersonalize your marketing.

If you’ve gotten to the point you don’t even want to offer sales calls where you don’t even want to talk to your potential clients until they’ve hired you, that’s a red flag. It’s time to create conversational opportunities with your potential clients because it’s kind, it’s compassionate, and it’s the only thing that works anymore.

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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