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Sue is the Fiercely Compassionate Grandmother, and a leader of other Grandmothers who care deeply about what’s up with their grandkids in wild times. She’s experienced a lot of life. She escaped an abusive marriage while pregnant 40 years ago, and lived as a single mom in poverty. She put herself through school, and became a Nurse, then a pastoral counselor with a doctorate in Ministry, and most lately a Teacher and Coach of Intentional Creativity. She is the author of the Amazon bestseller book, Grandmothers are In Charge of Hope, which is endorsed by SARK, and written to inspire grandmothers to be present for their grandkids with fun rituals, activities, and conversations.

When she came to me, she had trouble talking about what she does because it’s so creative and out of the box. That made it hard to draw clients. Through the process of creating a client-attracting Quiz together, she created the 5 Intentional Grandmother Archetypes, and now she can talk easily about the deep and unique work she does, helping grandmas to re-ignite their creative spirit through painting and art, heal their hearts through guidance and artistic ritual, and become active allies to their grandkids.

I invited her here today to talk about the process of creating an archetype quiz to open conversations that are usually not spoken of, to make sense of creative deep work, and to automatically attract the right kind of clients.

Connect with Sue:  Website : Sue’s Book : The Intentional Grandmothers Archetype Quiz

Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

  • How important it is to support the grandmothers in our lives
  • We discuss the 5 Archetypes of grandmothers
  • The personal growth when building a quiz

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