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Stay Clear & Inspired:
Essential Self-Care Tips for Spiritual Leaders

Video Transcript

I’m coming to you today from my pond. Because this–. Well, actually, all water is how I take care of myself so that I can take care of others. I take breaks and I go swimming. See, I’m a Pisces, so water for me is kind of key for staying clear and. Inspired and soft. You probably take care of other people too.

If you’re a wise woman, what does it take for you to stay clear? In addition to the pond time and the water time and Pilates time and all the self-care that I do, I have three people, three clearing professionals who clear me every week, who I talk to regularly to keep me clear. How is that needed when I’m a professional clearing person?

Well, that’s why it’s needed without those people keeping me clear. I can’t clear others. I’ve talked to a lot of wise women who don’t give themselves this kind of support, who think that you know, because they’re spiritual and because they hear their guides or because they’re intuitive, but they don’t need someone else keeping them clear. But I’m here to tell you that if you are growing as a leader and as a channel and as a healer yourself, you know you need regular clearing from others and not just from anybody because you’re a sensitive system, because you have a high vibration and probably a high clearance level.

In order to clear other people, you need clearings from others who have a high clearance level. When someone has a really high clearance level, they can clear your stuff that you can’t even see, stuff that maybe your soul help to program in with the intention to hide it from yourself. So I’m just being honest with you here that those of us who hold space for other people need clearing from professionals who can go deeper than the average bear, and who see what you can’t see.

I’ve gone for years without that. And guess what happened? It slowed my own development, and it made it so that sometimes I would have drama with my clients. I would have my own personal healing crises instigated by sessions with my clients. So I highly recommend you get regular professional clearings. Now the clearings that I get are worth and cost a lot of money.

Every month. I have a business that can support that. It’s tragic to me that a lot of deep, wise woman channels don’t have that budget for clearing. It’s part of why I felt so inspired to create a new program level, a new membership level for Wise Women channels to stay clear, where I give you regular monthly laser focused clearings and readings, where my healer Elora gives you regular focused clearing work and we’re giving it to both.

Both personally, like sent into your inbox monthly and also on live calls where we can be in conversation and clear you in real time in a small circle of peers and Jeremiah, who’s amazing sound healer clearing healer that I personally work with. So I’m not going to bring you anyone that I wouldn’t let in my field tonight. Tell you how picky I am.

So this wisdom circle is a way for you to get clearings from the three of us and readings, and also to sit in circle with your peers if you desire it once or twice a month. Like a little mastermind of wise women channels for under $500 a month. Yes. You’re welcome. Hello. Instead of thousands, 500 to under $500 a month, it’s 495 a month as of now.

So. I’m really proud that we were able to put this together. I’m really delighted that you can now have the level of clearing, regular clearing that you need to stay clear without investing in very high level, because these are very high level masters of clearing. Even people like us. Yeah, these are people that I welcome into my field because they’re clear, they’re clean, they’re powerful.

So if you’re not going to join the new Wisdom Circle or if it’s already sold out, because we’re only going to take so many folks in there for obvious reasons. please get clearing, regular clearing. Please prioritize that. It’s part of what we really need as spirit women to stay in integrity with being leaders and holding space for other people in their clearing.

I’m sure you have your own ways of clearing yourself. But if you have somebody who sees what you don’t, what you can’t see because you hid it from yourself a long time ago. You’re going to grow faster, you’re going to feel better, and your channel is going to expand, and you’re going to call in. The level of people you’re really meant to work with.


Yes, to the baths. Yes to the support. Yes to whatever keeps you clear. And I’m challenging you. If you don’t join the wisdom Circle, do something regularly. Have someone who has your back like these folks have my back like my Apache. Mama Maria has my back, who also teaches inside of these circles with me and for for us.

It’s important to keep yourself clear.

Time in nature keeps me clear but directed. Professional clearings keep me in leadership and in integrity. Evolving and expanding in my channel.

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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