Genius Business Session

It’s time to clarify your unique purpose, identify your best-fit business concept, and discover options for a marketable niche that fits you and makes client attraction easier.

Genius Business Session

It’s time to clarify your unique purpose, identify your best-fit business concept, and discover options for a marketable niche that fits you and makes client attraction easier.

The Genius Revealer process and a laser-focused 20-minute Session on Zoom with Mellissa

First, you will enjoy the Genius Revealer course, where you will learn your primary and secondary soul gifts, your Right Role in the world, and reveal your life purpose and natural expertise.
Second, you will receive a 20-minute laser-focused session where Mellissa clarifies for you which business focus will suit you best. This includes your ideal client/market, and some options for a niche that will make it easier to attract clients.
Between these two elements, you end up with a clear description of your intrinsic talents, purpose, and how to describe yourself to the world, allowing you to be understood and valued for who you are at the deepest level. Further, you can finally focus your business efforts in the right direction, so you will get traction and attract clients naturally.


Are you ready to finally know where to focus your business, how to stop working against your gifts, and how to attract clients effortlessly?

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