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I empower creative professionals to activate their true purpose and power.

In a world where intuition is often dismissed as religious, crazy, or woo-woo, I help gifted professionals open their creative channel to have the best of both worlds.

Where creative professionals learn to end the struggle and open their channels.

You can find spiritual development courses anywhere.

You can find business strategy everywhere.

Here, you’ll find a path of aligning your intuitive intelligence with strategic creation, so you don’t have to give up your professional reputation, your relationship, or your revenue. When you integrate your intellect and intuition, you become a leader of authentic power.

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Hi, I'm Mellissa

Like you, I value intelligence of all kinds, from all sources. I believe in bridging spiritual wisdom, embodied wisdom and shamanic earth-wisdom with our higher intellect, our reason, and our pragmatic creative genius.

I’m honored to work with some fantastically smart creative folks like you. I am happy to translate the messages and healing from your “guides” and spiritual realm, while simultaneously teaching and empowering you to connect with this important source directly.

I’m here to bridge ancient ways shared with me by my teachers.

No dogma. No religious hoo-haw. No guru-trip.

Just direct palpable connection with the source of your genius, and the clearing and guidance you need to channel your purpose into this world with the best results for you, for your loved ones, and for the world.

I know it’s not always easy to be a Channel of Genius

You may face challenges like these:

Creative Blocks

Overworked smart folks can lose their creative mojo when they don’t know how to channel.

Accidentally Psychic

Sudden awakening of intuitive gifts, due to trauma, “medicine,” or spontaneous surprise can upset your whole life without the right support.

Biz Pivot

When your Calling needs to become your business, it’s time to strategize your new expertise in partnership with your soul and guides.

Woo-Woo Resistance

You don’t want to be one of those airy-fairy people, but you need to integrate this new awareness brewing, and these intuitive gifts popping in you.

Revenue Challenges

You need the right strategy to create an easy flow of abundance and real life results while following your soul’s strong calling.

Spiritual Flu

When you keep getting sick, injured, or blowing up your electronics, you need someone to help make the upgrades easy instead of painful.

Wonky Partnerships

You are attracting the wrong people, in love and work, because you’re magnetizing stuff that’s out of alignment with your soul’s power.

Perfectionist Paralysis

Your ego and brain are too dang big sometimes to let your intuition make creation easy.


It doesn’t make sense why you’re blocked, and even though you’re a logical person, you wonder if perhaps you’re cursed.

How should you work with Mellissa?

Many intelligent professionals judge the spiritual, ignore their guidance, and live rather boring empty lives.  That’s not you.  Time to leverage the invisible, tap your deep gifts, and channel the genius only you can bring the world.

Click here to explore accelerating this process with my programs.

Have a question?

Get in touch and we'll get you on the right track!

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