For professional wise women.
Business and leadership mentorship with  Mellissa with weekly live calls, step-by-step biz growth trainings, and private monthly sessions.  
Choose from two levels…

Messaging Trimester

In this trimester (July – October) of the Business Academy, we will clarify your messaging power to expand your audience, spread your teachings, and sell in the easiest way – speaking!

  • In July, we focus on the essential “magic words” that sell your work easily.   No more searching for the right words.  We will retrieve your core message from the soul of your business, and distill it into the clear magic words you need to anchor your expertise, draw in your best clients, and expand your audience globally. Your message is the foundation of your entire business (and probably your life as well).  It’s important to dive deep to make sure you clarify (and re-clarify) your wisdom words each year!  You will have clear consistent and magnetic descriptions for your biz to put across all platforms and channels!
  • August will show you the secrets to having a website that actually sells your work.  It’s amazing how few websites are actually set up to SELL the work you’re offering.  Most are a bit confusing, overwhelming, or even irritating to web-visitors.  There is an art and science to creating a webpage that clearly leads the right folks towards a sale with you! This month, we will utilize the magic words we identified for you in July to create a streamlined updated and effective message for your website, including all the important topics – the invitational language, the clarifiers and pre-qualifiers, the promises and invitations, and even the “about me” page and disclaimers.  You can plug and play these perfect words into your website to reap the rewards and revenue!
  • In September we will create a personalized Social Media strategy you’ll LOVE.  As a wisdom-based channel, you don’t need to fit any molds.  You don’t have to be some cultural “influencer” of any cookie cutter type.  What’s important is that your wisdom, your message, and your power emanate through, while you have FUN sharing as you like.  That way, your shares expand the right audience that become invested delighted allies and clients!  You will have your strategy, and implement it to bring in the right new people to your community and client base!
  • October will birth your Perfect Talk outline – the key to sell every time you speak!  You will have a Perfect Talk Template that won’t cramp your channel, nor overwhelm you.  You’ll have just enough structure to make sure you convey your expertise, your message, and inspire the right clients to happily pay you!  Use your Signature Talk outline every time you speak – as a podcast guest, teaching a class, channeling wisdom, on a summit, or just going LIVE on social media.  With this outline, you can get new clients every time you speak!

By the end of this trimester, you’ll feel confident, delighted, and enthusiastic about sharing your wisdom with the world.  You’ll have the info, the outlines, the website and the media strategy that feels a perfect-fit for your sacred message and your unique personality. 

You’ll sell your sacred work, every time you speak.  And you’ll have just the right ways and opportunities to speak it into the world!

A woman sitting outdoors at a small table while viewing the wheel of wisdom. She has an ornate coverup over a white tank top and a beaded necklace on. In front of her is a fancy purple, red and orange drink and the sun is shining in the background.

Money Upgrade Trimester

In the Money Upgrade Trimester (Nov-Feb) you will get:

As soon as you join the Academy, you will get: 

Sacred Messenger Trimester

In the Sacred Messenger Trimester (July – October) you will get:

As soon as you join the Academy, you will:

We Wise Women do business differently.

I’ve been helping intuitive women leaders for the past 20 years, I can tell you…we are DIFFERENT than other biz folk.
  • Our work is often innovative, spiritual, and transformative. Not easy to describe.
  • Until we find the perfect words to describe our work, people say “I can’t afford it,” even when it’s a great deal.
  • People don’t “get” the value till they’ve experienced us, so we give too much away, exhausting ourselves.
  • Old fears arise, including memories of being persecuted, silenced, or attacked. We have to clear them for success.
  • Most biz programs are impersonal, cookie-cutter, pushy strategies we hate.
  • Most “marketing & sales” are unethical strategies that make us queasy. 
  • Most business coaches (even “heart-centered” ones) can’t meet us in the depth of what we are channeling into the world.


Pro Level Business Academy

(including Wisdom Mentorship)

Academy with Step-By-Step Training in Growing your Wisdom-Based Business

  • Leverage systems designed for Channels, Oracles, Wisdom Teachers, and Sacred Messengers.
  • Attract and Enroll Clients Effortlessly with Compassionate Marketing like Quiz Funnels and Opt-in podcasts.
  • Enroll new clients with Magnetic Messaging that increases your position and value.
  • Sell your deep work easily, in full integrity and joyful enthusiasm.
  • LIVE WEEKLY classes, plus all recordings available to you 24/7 so you can go at your own pace.

Wisdom Mentorship access included to make EVERYthing Easier

  • Keep your energy clear, your heart inspired, and your money flowing.
  • Stay in the flow of ease and abundance with the Magical Calendar
  • Clear the blocks to your growth, faster with support.
  • Wisdom Collective that fits with your own unique spirituality.
  • Potent community of wise channels from all over the world.
  • Choose from new practices to stay happy, inspired, connected.
  • LIVE Clearing and Training weekly on Tuesdays at noon PST, or use recordings.

Personalized High-Touch Coaching and Support for Easeful Abundance

  • Monthly 1-on-1  Tune-up Session for Clearing and Clarity (with Mellissa and her own healer, Alora)
  • Monthly 1-on-1 Business Strategy Sessions (with Elyna)
  • Mellissa edits your copy and systems in a private google doc
  • Personalized feedback, and support 24/7 in the private forum
  • Quarterly ceremony retreat day on Mellissa’s land, in person or livestream.
A woman stands outdoors holding a large drum and drumstick while her eyes are closed. She is wearing a yellow top and a beaded necklace, with a pine tree visible in the background.

How does it work?

  • You join for at least 4 months and then you get to stay in month-to-month at your current price even as the price goes up for new people.
  • Attend the weekly live classes to receive training, clearing, and templates to address the monthly challenge.
  • Enter homework in your Google Doc so Mellissa can review
  • Bring questions to the private forum for personalized support
  • Receive your monthly tune-up from Mellissa/Alora as a private audio report
  • Schedule a monthly accountability coaching call with Elyna
  • Calendar the quarterly ceremony day retreats and even plan your trip to California if you want to attend in person.
  • Move at your own pace, with tons of support!


Equal parts grounded smart chick, and deeply guided inspired spirit-woman?

Mellissa sits at a table talking to another woman with a smile on her face

Grow your sacred business
without selling out or exhausting yourself

Join the business academy mentorship to cut through the overwhelm. Get step-by-step support
to grow your sacred work in the world with ease and flow.

Devoted yet Determined. Spiritual yet Strategic. Magical yet Material.

Money: Upgrade Your Value

WINTER (November – February)

Most business owners crank through this important season, exhausting themselves and driving themselves into energy-debt by replaying the old scripts, and failing to pause and see new opportunities that arise in a swiftly changing marketplace. This is one way we Wise Women burn out in the Winter!

In the Academy, we choose easy/lazy ways to increase abundance instead. We leverage the power of the dark season to free ourselves from unseen blocks and patterns, and to activate the new vision that will function better, inspire us more, and drop us into our effortless flow of renewed purpose and abundance.


Clear the 7 Blocks to Wealth Advancement

We address the seven areas we need to clear regularly to keep advancing in abundance. Layer by layer, as we grow in business success, we move through our old ceilings for easeful prosperity. We end up with a renewed vision of the client journey and valuable offerings we will focus on growing.


Claim Your New Vision of Success

December is a time to rest, and vision efficiently. So instead of weekly classes, we dive in for a 2-day Visioning Retreat, to see the next level of evolution of our business to create an easeful upgrade of abundance. We claim the clear description of our valuable work, so we can easily speak about it at holiday events, gaining clients and raving fans!


Craft your Irresistible Offer

The visioning will pay off as you use our guidance and template to create an offer that fits your talents, your current timing, and your desires, while delivering measurable results to your people. When you focus on the right offer, you create recurring revenue without convincing, defending, or hustling people. The right-fit irresistible offer, described well, sells itself.


Sell with Ease and Grace

You’ll learn to LOVE sales conversations if you do it the Channel your Genius way. This unique model of holding space for people to commit to working with you will leverage your compassion, your intuition, and your natural connection. No manipulation, lies, or convincing. This is sales YOUR way! You will finally find it easy to command and receive higher fees.

Magnet: Attract Clients Automatically

SPRING (March – June)

Looking for new clients can be exhausting and time consuming. Wouldn’t you rather create archetypes, and a fun quiz to do this automatically? The follow-up from your quiz then moves people towards investing with you. You might create several quizzes for different products over the years. We guide you step-by-step through creating a quiz and follow-up, so that in the next season, every time you speak or teach or broadcast, you can add hundreds to your community, and watch them choose to become clients!


Design your Client Archetypes

Your Client Archetypes will lift your value as an expert by clarifying your unique audience, and giving words to your special approach. You can stop serving the difficult people, and draw in only your right-fit clients. People say that this archetype work ALONE is a game-changer for falling in love with their business, and easily courting new clients.


Draft your Quiz

A great quiz attracts new clients 24/7 ongoing! You’ll be guided (and even edited) in writing a heart-opening, deeply moving, brilliant quiz that can go viral. Mellissa helps you craft excellent language for your quiz every step of the way, so it ends up being your pride and joy that draws in new clients to your biz for years to come!


Followup for Easy Sales

After they take your quiz, your peeps feel your expertise, and they trust you. It’s what comes next that turns them into paying clients. The followup results, nurturing emails, and further short surveys to assess their readiness to invest can turn them into your best fit clients who are delighted to pay you handsomely. These followup tools work with or without a quiz!


Leverage Your Community

You will implement and share your client-attracting system with the world. A good quiz can even go viral on its own. But you can increase this with ads, with community groups, and more. You may find that your quiz births a Movement around your work! We will look at lots of ways to utilize your archetypes, your quiz, your followup, and your new brand to build community worldwide!

Message: Broadcast Your Magnetic Words

SUMMER/AUTUMN (July – October)

In a distracting world full of false messaging, we Wise Women need good strategy to have our Wisdom heard! So in the Academy, we get crystal clear about the message, and use simple easy strategies that we love to spread the news through fun speaking opportunities. When we use these strategies with our quiz and followup, we create effortless business growth, so we can serve more people without working harder. Wisdom reigns in abundance!


Your Client Attracting Words

From the soul of your business, you’ll find the perfect words to come back to again and again to attract and serve your perfect-fit people. These magic words anchor your expertise, draw your people, and expand your audience. It’s important to review and update your perfect words every year, and share them consistently.


Your Website that Sells

You’ll update your website with the strategic clarity it needs to not only impress, but also to create sales! You’ll have clear invitational language, qualifiers, promises, invitations, and an “about me” section that moves the right people towards investment and success with you!


Grow Your Audience with Social Media

Simplify your social media strategy to be uniquely yours, fun, easy, and super effective to draw your peeps to your message in your own unique way. Learn the balance point for creating heart-filled connection with your peeps, while also positioning yourself for high value. You’ll feel great about social media and grow your community!


Speak to Sell with your Signature Talk

You’ll walk away with a talk outline and clear talking points that you can use again and again, whether you are a guest on a podcast, summit, or speaking from your own channel or stage. When you have this clarity, every time you speak, you’ll get clients.

A group of wise woman sitting at a table and having a good time with woods and trees in the background.

A note from Mellissa

Like you, I bridge the worlds of intelligence and intuition…

I’m a Stanford educated former business attorney who had a big intuitive awakening in the year 2000 with the birth of my daughter.  Since then, I’ve been paid thousands of dollars per hour by creative tech founders, Fortune 100 executives, and professional creatives and designers around the world to help them leverage their intuitive gifts for success in biz and life. 

Would you like to be paid thousands of dollars per hour for your deepest most transformative work?  Then you’ve found the right mentor in me.

I specialize in helping intuitively gifted wise women make BIG money.

My private clients pay me over $100,000 per year for high-end intuitive support (I have 2-3 of these a year).   Business clients pay me $2000/hour for intuitive clearings and intuitive guidance.  My business has hit seven figures, with a profit margin of over 50%.  I don’t say this to brag.  I say it to give you hope and full permission. 

I also want to give you a free piece of advice…

Don’t hire a normie biz coach who has never charged big money doing the deep work that YOU want to do!  They won’t see you, understand you, or know the path to success in both worlds.  They will train you like the normie biz coach they are.  And you will end up disappointed and drained of cash.


You need a mentor who goes as deep as YOU do.

Well, you found me! 


If you want to grow your impact, abundance, and power in both worlds with me – both in biz and spirit – join NOW.

Let’s do this together!



Most business development and training programs with this level of high-touch support cost $18,000-$25,000 per year. We know that. But we are deeply called to offer this Academy at a rate where gifted intuitives can not only afford the training at first but where they can find an ongoing supportive community that will lift them up for years. This is a minimum four month commitment with the option to stay in for as long you want. 


You’re called to grow your business that springs from your intuitive heart’s calling. Maybe you’re a healer, a guide, a teacher, a mentor, a coach, or you provide some service that inspires people, empowers them, lifts them up.
If you’ve been in business a long time, this is for you if you know you could work less, create more wealth, and have more impact.
You’re not interested in doing business as usual, with smarmy marketing tactics and complicated ways of communicating that don’t feel like YOU. You’re here to partner with your spirit, come from your heart, and create an evolutionary offering that benefits everyone.
You’re here to leverage your intuitive gifts, your spirit guidance, and your deepest power to create a business and life you love with all your heart. You want a mentor who’s smart and grounded as well as spiritually tuned in.
You’re devoted to the highest good, to integrity, and to becoming a true leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some forthright answers to the questions you might have rolling around in your head!

You know because:

1.  You’re promising yourself to actually do the work. What you’ll get here in the Academy is ALL the step by step training, the support, the feedback, the clearings, the private sessions, the copy-writing even… and the community support to reach the goals of each class. But if you don’t come to class, don’t post in the group, don’t engage the clearings when you’re stuck, don’t ask questions, don’t receive the support that will be offered you, (if you don’t do the WORK it takes to create a business) you might avoid success. 😉  So show up! 

2. This program includes LOTS of support, hands on check-ins, clearings, and even copy-editing!!! We will teach you what to do.  We will  guide you step-by-step.  You’ll have one-on-one sessions every month – both for clearing AND for accountability.  You’ll have coaching 24/7 in our private forum.  We won’t leave you to do it all on your own like most programs.  We won’t hand you off to baby-coaches.  You’ll get our expert help and attention, personally, on your material.

I know it’s a big decision to invest in yourself and in growing your business. I’ve done it many times myself. And this “how will I afford it” is always one voice in the mix. But I want to remind you that this is a program that will grow your business and your income. You are paying to be able to make significantly MORE money. Forever. So I encourage you to do a cost benefits sort of analysis.  This is not just another modality certification course.  This one teaches you to make money. So as you consider this investment, remember that you can make a lot more money when you create the systems I’m about to teach you. I know that other programs that include guidance and feedback from the actual master teacher tend to be $20K and more. I keep my program very affordable because I want to make sure that it’s accessible to those I want to lift up in the world.

The real question might be – how can you afford NOT to finally grow your business?  How long do you want to wait before you create financial flow?  If you don’t do this, then what is your alternative plan for increasing your revenue so you can eventually STOP asking the question “how am I going to afford this $3k thing?”  

For the record, we want to help you get to the place where you NEVER have to worry about spending $3K again.

If you made it this far, yah. Probably. Here’s who the Academy is designed for.

  • For those wanting to re-focus or grow a lucrative business to share wisdom, healing, and transformation… the Academy has what you need.  Whether you’re starting a new offering, or creating a more compassion-based system to grow beyond 7 figures, the strategies here are unique, effective, and updated for a current marketplace.
  • Energetically aware, sensitive, and creative smart people who have wisdom, healing, or transformation to bring the world in the form of their service-based business.
  • Smart folks who like to balance the deep meaning of good woo stuff with real pragmatic results.
  • Leaders of integrity who care about justice including diversity and inclusion.
  • Entrepreneurs who recognize that growing a business is also a deep personal development journey. (This program is part business school, part mystery school, because that’s what sensitives need to succeed.)
  • Creatives who like both flexibility and a guiding structure. You can pick and choose which classes to take in which order. And/or you can participate in whichever implementation sprints you’d like each month.

In summary, this program is for you if you’ve got transformative work pouring through that must reach the world. It’s for you if you need to do business in compassion and integrity – not business “as usual.” It’s for you if you want to partner with spirit in creating prosperity and impact. It’s for you if you walk in both worlds. It’s for you if you are a bridge between the world of meaning and the “real” world. It’s for you if you’re ready to finally grow into a more easeful prosperous way of giving this world your best.

It’s designed for Wise Womxn.  That includes folks who identify as women.  It also includes other-identifying folks who are happy to hang in a woman-centered space.  Wise Women here are usually over 40.  But we also welcome peeps who are younger, but grounded experienced “old souls” who love hanging out with a more mature clan.

Unlike most programs, the Academy includes direct access to the master teacher (Mellissa) along with high-expertise coaches and support people. With most programs any coaching you get comes from lightly-trained people who have little experience.  The master coach almost NEVER has their eyes on your work.  

Here, Mellissa answers your individual questions anytime in the private forum, and has her eyes on your work to suggest strategy, copy, and brilliant ideas directly to you in your privately shared google doc.  She puts your work into magnetic magic words you can use throughout your marketing and website.  Her downloads, copywriting, and naming brilliance are something that people pay $2K/hour to receive, and you get it included in your $750/month program along with all the rest!

Private Sessions too!  You have accountability sessions every month with Elyna who has expertise in helping you stay on track and keep making progress.   AND you get a private clearing with Mellissa each month as a “tune-up” session with audio recorded report that people find priceless in staying clear in biz and life.  

We provide so much more attention than any other program we’ve heard of, without paying for high end coaching at the $25K level or above.

Our LIVE weekly classes happen Thursdays at 12pm PST. They happen every week throughout the full year, except for December and July when we offer a 2-day virtual retreat instead, to provide a change and account for holidays. The weekly class is one hour long. No more, no less. One hour. In that hour, we enjoy a palpable clearing and alignment exercise in the first 10-15 minutes, leveraging the incredible power of our group of channels from all over the world. Then we usually teach or share something for 20-40 minutes. Sometimes we do full on coaching the whole time. We are starting to run the classes like this: First Thursday is Mellissa teaching class.  Second Thursday is Elyna coaching through the implementation sprint.  Third Thursday is Mellissa leading a clearing or Transmission to get us through the blocks to the implementation sprint.  Fourth Thursday is Mellissa or Elyna coaching.  We often have 30-40 people on the call on any weekly class, which is hosted on Zoom. People tend to show up for the classes because honestly they are fun and the clearing leaves us all feeling so much lighter and better! You will also have full access to the Wisdom Mentorship calls which happen the First and Third Tuesdays of every month at noon pacific time.  These calls share the mystery school teachings and clearings that keep us all in the flow of abundance. Many Business Academy students participate in these as well as the Thursday calls.

Ugh. I must say, I’ve also spent money in the past that I wish I could get back. I’ve invested in online courses that ended up being a file folder of numbered audio tracks. Boring. Dumb. Disappointing.

I’ve invested in teachers who tried to make me do it THEIR way which didn’t fit my divine path.  Nope.

One reason I created this Academy is that sensitive peeps like us need regular clearings and deep support to stay open enough to take easy action in the real world. So it may be that you simply had more of a muggle coach who didn’t know how to work with someone as deep as you. They might have been more of an analytical “follow my system” person. I’m not that. I teach you to create your own unique system to fit your own unique gifts. I show you my systems, and I show you many options for creating your own. But overall I say: Trust your gut. You’re an intuitive. Sign up when you are a Resonant Yes. I trust you. 

And I’m right here to answer any questions you have.  Email me. Let’s talk about it.  If I’m not the right mentor for you, I am happy to help you find the right support.  No pressure.  I just want you to do what your soul came here to do, so my kids have a better world to live in. If you’ve been injured by teachers in the past, I just want to say thank you for being open anyway.  Thank you for considering getting help anyway.  We all need help to do this thing.  Even we psychic business lawyers need help when it comes to creating our own soul’s biz. You’re not alone.

If you hate the layout or whatever, you have 2 weeks to ask for a refund and leave.  Otherwise, you are committing to four months in the Academy to start.  That’s because it takes a few months to feel the full benefit of the private sessions, the new systems, and create the results you want!  After the first 4 months, you get to continue month to month and can leave until you let us know you’re exiting the program. Most of our students stay in the Academy for a year or longer, because the benefits are HUGE, and they get the results they didn’t get in other programs.  Every journey through the monthly subjects is an upgrade in your business, your revenue, and your power.  And this community is so wonderfully supportive, many stay in for years!

When you enroll by November 8th, you’ll have access to everything:

  • Business Academy classes and recordings (worth $300/mo)
  • Wisdom Mentorship  (worth $495/mo)
  • Private monthly Clearing Sessions (worth $700/mo)
  • Private monthly Coaching Sessions (worth $500/mo)
  • Supportive Community in Private Forum (worth $100/mo)
  • Direct private copy-writing support (worth $800/mo)
  • Quarterly day-long ceremony retreats (worth $700/mo)
  • BONUS Abundance 2-day VisionQuest in December (priceless)

Total Value = $3,595/mo  plus the BONUS 2-day retreat!

YOU PAY = $ 750/month* 

*for as long as you stay in, even as the public price goes up

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Ready to say yes?