New Year Rocket Fuel Intention: Set Your New Year’s Intention for Your Best Year Yet

with Mellissa Seaman

On today's episode...

Time to set your intention for the New Year, but do it in the right away.  Not “I’m going to the gym 3x a week” or whatever.  Your Intention needs to serve as the FUEL for your year, your motivation and your  inspiration.  So there’s a particular sense-based way to set your Intention.  Come watch this week’s video and I’ll show you just how.

Here's what we discussed in today's episode:

  • Why traditional New Year’s intentions might not work for you.

  • The importance of focusing on how you want to feel, not just what you want to do.

  • How to identify your personal “rocket fuel” for the year ahead

  • Shifting from a goal-oriented mindset to an energy-focused approach.

  • Manifesting with the feeling of abundance, love, and joy.

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The Transcript

Happy New Year. Oh, love, I know it’s time to set your New Year’s intention. But let me tell you, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do that. So a culture encourages us to create these New Year’s intentions that go on a to-do list. And the last thing that you need right now is something else for your to-do list.

So if you really want to harness the power of this month, of this new year to create a better experience than ever for yourself in your lifetime, what you don’t want to do is set an intention like, I’m going to go to the gym three times a week because it will immediately feel like an obligation, a heavy burden.

And we just entered the Age of Aquarius. So your intention instead has to feel like rocket fuel to your rocket. So instead of thinking, oh, I’m going to go to the gym three times a week, which I do, by the way. But I don’t do it because there’s a should on my head. I do it because of the rocket fuel I’m going for.

So consider to identify the rocket fuel. Consider how you want to feel. What is the feeling? State the sensation that you are actually wanting when you say, I’m going to the gym three times a week from now on. What is it that you’re really wanting there? How do you want to feel? For myself, I want to feel strong.

I want to feel sharp. I want to feel sexy. I want to feel able. I want to feel confident. So wrap that up and give it a nickname. My nickname might be Hot Chick. Because I want to feel like a hot chick. I want to feel strong and hot and hey, I’m menopausal. I’ve got a menopause belly.

I’ve got wrinkles on my face. I’m not going to go for some standard of cultural perfection of how you look like if you’re a hot chick. What I’m going for is feeling my hotness, feeling my confidence, my strength, my juiciness, my aliveness. How do I get there? Dude, I go to the gym a couple times a week and I go to Pilates another couple times a week and I sweat.

So when you think about your intention, manifest the rocket fuel. Let’s think of another intention, okay? This year I’m going to make $2 million in my business. Okay. That’s the intention. $2 million. Well, now, if I’m not careful, that becomes just a number on a spreadsheet, right? And I’m not even identify. Well, was that overhead? How much overhead is that net profit like you can get in your head about your intentions, or you can find the rocket fuel?

When I say I’m going to make $2 million in my business, what is it that I’m really trying to feel? How do I want to feel? Breathe into the goal. Oh, I want to feel. Able to do anything in service. I want to feel like a super powered, generous person. I want to feel like I’m flooded over with so much abundance that everyone around me is showering just in the extra that’s flowing through and across me.

I want to feel like the ultimate philanthropist. Okay, there’s my rocket fuel. I want to feel like an overflowing fountain of abundance. That’s my rocket fuel. Now what if Spirit and Earth are going to come together and give me that feeling of the overflowing fountain of abundance? And it doesn’t include having this business make two $1 million. Great.

I’ll take it. Because what I’m really manifesting here is overflowing fountain of abundance. That’s my rocket fuel. What’s your rocket fuel? You might say this year I’m going to perfect my marriage. I’m going to have the best relationship. And we’re going to go on a date every Saturday night. Okay? How do you want to feel? Oh, I choose to feel luscious and supported.

I choose to feel my love overflowing in my heart. I choose to feel safe and cozy in my relationship. What’s that? The first thing that comes to mind for me is love Bug. That’s my fuel. Love bug. I want to feel like a love bug. I want to feel generous in my relationship. I want to feel confident in my love.

I want to feel juicy in our sex life. I want to feel. What is that love bug? That’s my rocket fuel. So what’s your rocket fuel for this new year? Don’t just choose some intention like it’s a thing on your to do list. Choose your fuel and it will motivate you and warm you and inspire you. And it won’t pressure you.

It will open the way for spirit and earth to show up in collaboration, to give you the miracles that are needed and the opportunities and the hints and the nudges and the surprises that will have you feeling like an overflowing, abundant love bug and joy.

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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