The 7 Life Initiations

Some folks (like me) experience an awakening that suddenly gives them special powers, intuitive abilities, and extra-ordinary perception (like, they get accidentally psychic!).

Here’s the rub… generally those extra special intuitive gifts and shamanic abilities are supposed to come LAST in the sequence of personal development.  And when they come in early, before we are prepared to hold them, we can do DAMAGE to our relationships, business, and health with them.

Maybe you’ve noticed… you dive into business, for example, and you do all the right stuff… you’re utilizing the hacks for optimal performance, and you’re practicing the law of attraction, and you’re using your expanding intuition… but even though you go pretty far, you keep running against the same dang glass ceiling?  Why? I’d say it’s because you are missing an Initiation that should have happened earlier in your life.

That’s why the FIRST ring of personal development is…

Intuitive energy unique path 7 life initiations

The 7 Life Initiations - the First Ring of Personal Evolution

These are the points along your life’s timeline when you should have gone through a conscious rite of passage, supported and held by your family and community.  You should have been released from carrying others’ traumas and expectations. You should have been honored and graced for holding your own power. 

You should have started with the first five at least of the 7 Life Initiations.

The points of Initiation along your lifeline are: 

  1. Birth (where you claim full embodiment), 
  2. 7-Years-Old (where you claim choice, discernment and mental sovereignty), 
  3. 14-years-Old (where you claim creative, sexual, and individual power),
  4. 21-years-old (where you learn your gifts and purpose),
  5. 28-years-old (where you claim a job/role of service in your community), 

… and then the elder initiations at 52-years-old (#6) and death (#7) (where you claim your wisdom leadership and your surrendered legacy). 

We are meant to walk through these 7 Life Initiations like a progression time-wise, but fortunately, this is a RING… so you can go BACK in time, and re-do or heal these initiation points, shoring up your own personal foundation of confidence and integrity.  Likewise, LIFE itself sometimes initiates us early – like a young person who comes close to death, receiving her Death Initiation far before she even reaches adulthood.

Those first five initiations get you to adulthood. They leave you feeling confident, connected, and full of clear purpose.  If you miss one, you might not have your full resources about you to tackle your purpose in the world. You might not even know what that purpose is,  or you might not feel up to the task. If you’ve got wobbles in your foundational confidence and ability to take action, then you may want to go back and address your 7 Life Initiations!  

You’re not alone.  Even my most wealthy and successful clients, and my most aware and enlightened students, get HUGE results from doing the 7 Initiations work.  Some pay me 6 figures to walk them through personal retreats until they are all clear. Some join my Academy for just a few thousand to walk through them with me in our group.  And others find that life is initiating them, and it just really helps to know about this concept, and to know the map!

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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