How do you call in BOTH abundance and love?

The key is the same for either. Your Receiving Vessel.

But for some reason, no one’s talking about it!

The key to manifesting wealth and love and all the good stuff in life… is having a receiving vessel.  It’s about creating in yourself a container that welcomes love and abundance.  Otherwise, even if you call it in, it lands in a broken vessel, and you feel drained.

(Could it be that you’re leaky? Most generous people are.)

Here, let me give you a few examples from people I’ve worked through this with.

I had a very high-end client who had tons of money flowing through his business every month. Hundreds of thousands of dollars a week. But he had no financial security. Everything that came in went out. He confided , no one would know this about him. Everyone assumes he is financially secure because his revenue is big.

This sweet man needed help creating a vessel and himself for abundance. Otherwise, circumstances and his own actions would cause a constant drain, emptying him of what wealth tried to pour in. It was like filling up a broken vessel. It simply leaked.

Mellissa Sitting and thinking

This quiet humble brilliant man was rich, high income, but not really wealthy.  He was not gathering the energy of his money.  He could not really enjoy it.  He was like a leaky sieve.  To repair his receiving vessel, we went back into the birth and childhood initiations.  We healed a fragmented birth experience.  He felt welcome on the planet for the first time.  He began to feel and trust his body.

Then, with the childhood initiations, he became more playful, filling his now-secure body-vessel with what he wanted – joy, pleasure, celebration.  And suddenly, magically, his money story shifted.  He stopped hemorrhaging money.  He simplified a few things.  Shifted some investments, following his gut feeling.  He was honest with his wife about the debt he’d incurred, and made a plan to come out of it.  With his inflow, it was a swift thing to do.  He was solvent and growing.  Their love, as a reflection, deepened and grew.

Likewise, I have a client who teaches about relationships. She had relationships flow in and out of her life all the time. She confided that she’d never been met by a partner. Not truly met as an equal. For her, relationships had always been draining. She has fantastic communication skills. She has great experience levels to teach from. But she had not yet created in her own life what she helps others achieve.

This was a juicy beautiful sovereign woman. She had high body intelligence already.  Her birth initiation was solid.  She was playful, a dancer, a tantric. She knew how to have fun.  Her vessel was leaky at the top, you might say.  She could receive a certain amount of love, of abundance, and then she sort of hit a glass ceiling.

Underneath it all, she had worthiness and shame issues.  I walked her through the Teen/Power initiation, the coming of age ceremony.  She faced the old demons of her fear that had been hiding under many layers.  She’s always been juicy.  But after her teen initiation, she was a Force to be reckoned with.  She no longer had issues speaking strongly in public.  Her voice expanded, as did her business.  She said No to partners more often. She claimed her pickiness.  And she manifested better and better companions.  She knows she is growing closer to finding one she’d keep long-term, but she’s no longer in a hurry.  The love and lessons are now all worthy of being gathered inside her much-larger vessel.  She doesn’t need a new man to fulfill her. She is not limited by a glass ceiling.  Now she is choosing, creating her reality.

OK one more story from a client who just got a single session with me…

Just last week, I gave a new client a profound distance clearing session.  She wanted to open to love.  As soon as we spoke, and she chose to get this session with me, she was contacted by a man she had been hoping to attract.  By the time of our session, she was already feeling more confident.  And now she is manifesting not just one love interest but several to choose from or to weave into her life.  The key in this healing was to release what looked like tubes and contracts from her energy body that were draining her, preventing her from receiving and holding the opportunities and love that were trying to drop in for her.

So- attracting love, attracting wealth, attracting opportunities…

What’s the secret?

The Vessel.

Your Vessel.

Your energy body, as shaped by your experiences, your initiations (or your missing initiations) through your life, your agreements and traumas – it is designed to be a receiving vessel for your energy.

Pray for it to be repaired, made whole, and perhaps your own spirit team can help you with this directly.

And if you, like many of us, need some help from someone who can see your layers all the way through and release this kind of thing for and with you, let me know.  I can do this.  And it can be life-changing, and fun in the process!

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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