Your Wisdom Magnet - What Attracts Clients Now

I’m talking to my middle-aged sisters right now – the Wise Woman.

What the actual heck? At the time in your life when everything should naturally get easier, it seems like everything gets harder. Harder to keep your shape. Harder to work out. Harder to dial in the perfect diet. Harder to feel confident. Harder to be seen and heard using all your old tricks and methodologies.

Time to change up your magnet, Wise Woman.
Remember when your sexuality was your big magnet?
Remember when you could smile and be cute and serve everyone and thereby earn their attention?
Yeah, OK, it wasn’t working so well then for you either, we now know.
However, now that you’ve hit the wisewoman years, those options are just not available to you.

You don’t have the energy or the patience to be wiping everybody’s butts anymore. Not at home and not at work. You don’t have the Cosmopolitan magazine looks anymore to draw attention by fitting the beauty/perfection mold.

Basically, life is forcing you to recognize what you already know to be true. Your value is the wisdom accrued from a life of ups and downs, gorgeously packaged in a whole-woman’s mature experienced body.

Mellissa standing in the woods

So what is your wisdom magnet now? How do you attract companion, opportunities, wealth, respect and revenue?

Follow the wisdom path. You have to lay out a path of wisdom towards yourself. The invitation is to use your savvy, your magic, and your wisdom to call in the right resonant people, including clients, into your life.  For this, you’ll need 3 Wisdom Magnets.  I’m developing a special 5-episode podcast to teach all about those.  But for now, let’s be clear about what this Wisdom Path demands.

This requires breaking some very old habits. It requires going back and doing even more healing. And you’ve already done a ton of healing in your lifetime, I’ll give you that. But now, there are a few things you’ve left running, a few old programs.  You ignored them before because they didn’t seem to do you too much harm. Now, those old programs are crippling you. If you give into those old programs, you collapse on the couch.  You are tempted to surrender to being another old ignored resentful elder lady, medicated and disappearing.

Hey, I know it’s tempting sometimes to give up. And there are certainly places where this stage of life is asking us to surrender. There are certain things being ripped away from us things we need to grieve. 

Our children are gone. Yay! 

But now we don’t feel as connected with them. Boo. 

While we can adapt our self-care to keep our bodies as strong and healthy as we can, there are also some hormonal realities that are loosening our lovely skin from our bones, and adding padding for the journey into the wisdom years. 

Oh yes, there are things that we are grieving, because they are never coming back.

That’s true.

  • What’s also true is that the underlying wisdom we’ve been carrying for entire lives is finally ripe and ready to eat. 
  • What’s also true is that while these bodies have changing hormones that allow us to give fewer fucks about what others think, our bodies have also become the perfect vehicle for our wisdom. 
  • What’s also true is that the mature vibrant spicy truth telling sexuality of an older woman is exactly what this culture is starving for.

And what’s really cool, if you’re a business owner, is this. 

You can leverage this deep stuff to make more money and hustle less. You can follow the map to develop the ingredients you need to work with your magic than you’ve ever worked in this lifetime so far. What’s even cooler than that? As you share your wisdom, your channel opens wider. And the power that courses through you has the ability to change the world.

I’m creating a special free 5-class series to show you the exact system for this.  Let me know if you want an invite to that when it’s ready.

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

Curious about working with Mellissa?

9 Responses

  1. Hi Melissa,

    I’m so inspired by you and your wisdom! This post resonates so much. I used to be the ‘hot nutritionist’ 20 years ago and now approaching 50 I am being strongly called to bring my wisdom to the world in new ways and fully embrace and embody my ‘spiritual’ multidimensional self, which is very mysterious and doesn’t fit into a neat little box. It is also a bit trickier to market this nebulous thing into something magnetic and compelling so I’d love your advice about this. So yes when you do your free 5-class series please let me know.

    much love and thanks


  2. I would like to participate in the 5 part Wisdom Path series.

    How do I enroll?

    416-428-3408 call, text, whatsapp


    Rayna Morrison

  3. Any time you want to teach me something I am in!!! I look forward to the day when I can join the Academy for Mellissa wisdom. First I need to finish paying Thrive though, sigh.

  4. I am always interested in what you have to say about any subject. You have such a refreshing way of expressing things of all sorts. Though it seems they are often intimate they just feel so natural (which they are, but have been hidden as such in our society) and fun the way you approach them.

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