
Born and Re-Born – All the Dang Time! (Life Passage 2: Birth)

Born and Re-Born – All the Dang Time! (Life Passage 2: Birth)   That blessed day that you were born!  Yah sure, it was blessed, cause you took your first breath!  But it might have also been a tough day – for you, for your mom… who knows.  I mean, in our modern world, that […]

Begin Again! Enthusiasm Sparks You First! (Life Passage One: Conception)

Begin Again! Enthusiasm Sparks You First! (Life Passage One: Conception) Oh goody!  I can’t wait to share this with you!  I’m wiggling in my seat like a puppy wagging her tail.  I’m smiling big and biting my tongue!  I’m full of this feisty rising tide of enthusiasm!  This is where EVERY great action begins.  Enthusiasm. […]

Life as 9 Initiations – and How I saw God at the Frog Pond at Age 7

Life as 9 Initiations – and How I saw God at the Frog Pond at Age 7   Sometimes it feels like life is a TEST, right?  Stuff happens.  And at the time, you cry out WHYYYY?!!! Why do I have to be challenged, frustrated, hurt, let down?  But down the road, you look back […]