Creators. They’re Know-it-alls!
(Except they really do know it all!)
If you took the Soul Gift Quiz at, you may have discovered that you’re a Creator.
The biggest mistake I see people making with the Soul Gift Quiz system is they think the soul gift type “Creator“ means “creative.“ Nope. We are all creative. In fact, I think that the highest purpose of a human is to co-create good things with spirit and earth.
The creator on the Soul Gift Quiz, rather, is someone who seems like maybe they were around when the world was created! I know this sounds funny, but some of us around here seem to know it all. Like, literally.
Even as kids, the creator types have a confidence and a knowing that stands apart from other people. Yes, they do act like “know it all’s” quite often. But maybe that’s because at some deeper soul base level, they really do know it all?
There are different types of Creators, based on their secondary Soul Gift. Like, some are double Creators, and I call them Makers, because they are always building something – usually something physical! But then there are Innovators, Directors, Organizers, Inventors… all types of Creators depending on which is their “secondary” Soul Gift Type. This is one of the primary things that gets clarified in my Genius Revealer Experience.
The fact is that some folks really resonate with the codes and designs of creation. Our Creators are often the critics. And we should be listening, instead of just defending against what seem like negative feedback. Because our Creator types know how to improve our failing systems. They have the blueprints for how things can work efficiently, realistically, AND in an innovative way.
Creators know how to plan and implement and improve SYSTEMS.
Even though I’m Messenger/Transmitter type (which corresponds to the role of “Prophet”), I was educated in the arts of the Creator by going to Stanford and then law school. I was trained to be a systems person, to think analytically, and to understand hierarchies. It’s not my most natural way of thinking, but this education helps me to create systems for esoteric wisdom like I do in my Wisdom Mentorship programs.
Maybe you also received training and patterning in an area that was NOT your natural gift. Don’t regret it! It was hard, likely. But it was not a waste of time. Maybe it was meant to be – so that you could use the skills that you trained for in ADDITION to your essential Soul Gifted work.
You are a unique constellation of gifts and abilities. No one system can explain the wondrous mystery of YOU. But it’s so helpful to dive in and learn more about yourself, so that you can find the path of most ease and abundance. Work with your gifts, not against them. It makes everything easier.
Learn about the Wisdom Collective and Mentorship here
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.