For Professional Wise Women - Respect,
Relationships, and Revenue


Back when I was a Stanford graduate and lawyer, a Catholic leader and liturgist, and a young mother, I never would have dreamed that I would actually fulfill my life’s dream of living on land that I steward, of leading retreats, and of being respected and well rewarded for doing deep soul work.  But here we are!

If I had known at the beginning of this journey, what I know now –  it would’ve been so much easier to maintain my reputation and respect, my relationships and relational integrity, and that high level of revenue right on through.

If I knew then (maybe 17 years ago when I really got started with Channel Your Genius) what I know now… I wouldn’t have had to get on that hamster wheel of hustling and pushing. I wouldn’t have had to try and follow rules of male dominated, pushy, manipulative, marketing tactics. I wouldn’t even try to put on the same gentle (but real) masks that I thought I had to wear to make money and be a professional. If I only knew then what I know now….

Well, it’s time for me to share not just the business strategies that really work for wisdom based business but also the energetic protocols. A little of the do’s and don’ts that can save you a lot of drama! 

You are not wrong!

I want to let you know that your original concerns as you transition from the professional mainstream, “mundane” world into your deepest, most profoundly inspired spirit work… Those concerns about your reputation and respect, your relationships and integrity, and your revenue and financial sustainability? Those are real concerns. 

The good news is that there are ways to accelerate and support this transition that you’re on from whatever your old corporate or mundane path was… into the deepest work of your soul. 

I want to show you those pathways. You might already know I have an Academy (and coaching program) where I can guide you step-by-step along those pathways, but that is more of a commitment.  It’s at least four months to start, and most people stay for a couple years to build a real empire of their soul.

But I realize that I don’t need to wait until you are committed and on the long journey with me to show you some of the most important things that I wish all gifted channels of genius knew.  

So I’m going to lead a Half-Day Vision Retreat just for sacred messengers on June 21.  It will be a Masterclass/healing/upgrade experience online that is designed for professional wise women – that means those who identify as women who are coming from a professional background (maybe a corporate background) and who are growing a wisdom based business.  

>>> Learn more about this potent $47 Vision Retreat experience! <<<

I’m inviting women who are oracles channels, healers, wisdom keepers, and also firmly planted in the real world. If this is you, I want to invite you to this experience.  Yes, there is a fee ($47) and there’s a reason why – because the information that I will be sharing with you and the experience that I will be facilitating for you have profound power.  We will release the blocks to accelerate your upgrade.  We will reveal to you the picture of doing business as a professional wise woman that you could otherwise take years trying to find in a crazed world of so many marketing techniques that don’t work for you. 

Profits will go to the nonprofit of my wisdom teacher and indigenous teacher, Maria Yraceburu, to support indigenous elders who go before us, who pave the way for us. 

>>> Join us for Sacred Messenger Success –  a Masterclass/Retreat Experience, June 21 – 11am-3pm PST <<<

I hope you’ll join me for this half-day vision retreat experience, yes, and hopefully for the ongoing journey of building your  wise woman professional business so that your wisdom can reach a waiting world. 

We need you. I truly believe the professional wise women – the grounded spirit women – are the ones with the messages, the wisdom, and the solutions that this world needs now. Thank you for being here

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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