Menopause is WISDOM TIME for Women Leaders
There’s a big lie afoot (ok more than one. 😉 )
The one I’m talking about today is the myth that women over 50 are decreasing in power.
What if Menopause is Actually WISDOM TIME for us?
When we are no longer driven by egoic desire
When we are seduced by soul
When we are contained, sovereign, wise.
Post-Menopausal Women are meant to be Queens, Wise Women…
Teachers, Leaders, Sages.
That’s how it is in every wisdom tradition, in most every indigenous society.
This modern techno culture has it WRONG.
Don’t let them tell you that it’s time to shrivel
Or dry up and blow away.
Don’t believe the hype about what “beauty” is.
Don’t fall for the BS about being invisible.
This is your chance to step into Real Power
Mature Wise Women
Are the Leaders we’ve been waiting for.
That’s you.
The Meno-Passage can be a challenging time, including for women leaders who normally have it all together. 😉 It seems like EVERYthing is changing.
What used to be easy in your body isn’t anymore. Hot flashes, brain fog, weight gain, fatigue, aches and pains,food sensitivities, lack of libido and changes in your sexuality
It’s easy to miss out on the BIG GIFTS that arrive with this natural passage. And it’s common to let it take you down, affecting your business, your family, your health.
We don’t hear about the gifts and benefits of menopause as a rite of passage. Our culture doesn’t celebrate them.
We are not generally celebrated as we reach this stage of the Wise Queen.
Somehow our culture thinks we should go straight to Crone – the old lady. NOPE.
This culture is missing the huge Rite of Passage that is marked by menopause.
It’s crucial to celebrate this rite of passage, to consciously connect with other wise women, and to honor this time as the powerful rebirth it’s meant to be.
That’s why I’m devoting time, energy, money and focus now to supporting women who are in what I call this Meno-Passage -whether they are in the beginning stages called “peri-menopause” in their 40s, or whether they are in the thick of the changes, or even after menopause has settled in, but still feeling incomplete in the passage.
Dignify yourself in your meno-passage. Don’t believe the hype. You are a Queen, and your leadership chapter is just beginning!
No longer a Commodity, you are Abundance itself.
No longer a Mommy, you are valued as a Mentor.
No longer a Caretaker, you are crowned Queen.
Join the Wisdom Collective to
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.