Spiritual intuitive types like us – we don’t just “get sick.” Nope. We have a “clearing” and we “process” deep unresolved stuff really really fast, and it LOOKS like the flu.
Disclaimer: Whether you believe this line of thought or not, I put it to you- it’s a super empowering and positive way to experience “being sick.” But if you’re willing to check this perspective out, read on. If you are simply too inflamed by the idea that an illness might have deeper reasons, a purpose, and a productive result, stop reading now. The rest is just going to bother you.
I’m getting over a cold right now. My head is still stuffy, and my cough keeps my man up at night. I’ve got enough energy to write this, but not much else. I had to cancel on a party I wanted to go to. I’m behind on work. And I feel SO GRATEFUL for this process.
I’ve been supporting and teaching women who are experiencing an intuitive awakening for going on 24 years now. And the Spiritual Flu is something that happens to just about all of us at some point. It’s my cute name for when we get sick but we kind of know that our higher intelligence just knocked us down because we were refusing to rest, to receive, to allow a more gentle experience of incoming lessons, emotions, and ideas.
Well, the “Holidays” are a very popular time to go DOWN with the Spiritual Flu. Whether you end up with the sniffles, with the Co-vid, with the winter flubug, or post-Thanksgiving belly bug, you might feel strangely GLAD to have the excuse to crawl under the covers, feel your feelings, and hide from the world.
Hey, the holiday season brings up a LOT of stuff including family drama trauma, old resentments and disappointments, and the ghosts from Christmas-Hannukah-Kwanza Past. AmIright? All that processing (and hopefully healing) can overcome your system. It can whack you down. And because you are so responsible and busy, you might fight your intuitive knowing that says, “please stay home tonight and rest.”
So instead of the consensual resting, you get whacked by the Spiritual Flu in one of her many forms. It’s like Mother Nature putting you on enforced bedrest. It’s like your guides putting you in time-out. But it’s also a way for your system to enter non-ordinary awareness (foggysnotbrain) so that your brain gets out of the way of all that yummy subconscious processing that really needs to happen.
If you go with it, it can actually be both pleasurable and effective as a re-set, a way to process some deep stuff and come out the other side better than ever.
Hey, don’t ignore the whole diagnosis treatment thing. I’m not saying viruses and infections don’t exist. I’m saying that these things often have layers (like Shrek’s onion) so while you take responsible care for your body, you can also take responsible care for your emotions, your mindset, your spirit.
Cause sometimes it’s not “just” a flu… it’s a Spiritual Flu!
Does this sound familiar?
To wrap this up (xmas gift reference)…
I just want to swing back around to the original idea that if you’re feel zonked, and you want to lie down, just DO it. The holidays can be intense on many levels. Yet this is Winter, when we are supposed to be caving and resting. I’ve noticed that if I follow my inclination to rest, I can kinda PRETEND I have the flu, and with any luck, I can move through the processing stuff WITHOUT getting actually sick! That’s my favorite!
Consider this your permission slip to rest before you feel sick, and maybe you wont get sick. There are no spiritual bonus points for feeling miserable while you process stuff.
Merry Merry Happy Happy now go lie down. Amen.
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.
Copyright © 2024 Mellissa Seaman, Soul Gift, Inc • All rights reserved.
OMG, your timing is impeccable. I am home with a virus as I write. Yesterday I was in meditation and my guides kept showing up to let me know they’re with me. I firmly believe I’ve got the Spiritual Flu.
Thanks for the confirmation,
Hi there, you mention clearing your pet after they provide support. How does one do this?