
What is your Definition of Wealth?

Most spiritually inspired entrepreneurs are not in it for the money. I mean, yes, we want to support ourselves with our work so we can focus on what we do best. Of course.

But honestly, money is not the motivator for us. We are more interested in the fulfillment that only soul inspired work can bring us. We are interested in the impact we create in the lives of our clients. We love celebrating the transformation that we facilitate.

Sometimes, though, our lack of money motivation accidentally impacts the growth of the business. Since we are not money motivated, we forget to focus on the numbers, and sometimes we don’t realize it until we are struggling –  struggling with the overhead costs, or struggling to pay for kids’ college, or struggling to afford the program or trip we want to make.  It’s not till we are struggling that we realize we really do need more recurring income so we can relax.  Whoops!

Some of us might even have a secret hatred, or at least a sour distaste for money and wealth. And wow that can really get in the way of growing a business.  But it’s understandable.

When you look around and see our culture’s representations of wealth, they probably make you cringe. Big fancy cars, and boats – Really? Being a slave to the latest fashions? Buying a bunch of consumer goods that are designed to be a distraction from an otherwise unfulfilling life? 

Um, nope. Not for you. Those are likely not the things that really float your boat.

So what is wealth to you? 

What vision of wealth do you want to create in your life?

What definition of Wealth can motivate you to create recurring income that feels abundant and prosperous?

It got clear to me when I started making really good money, getting beyond my basic needs and the needs of my kids. My version of wealth has to do with stewarding land, creating a nature-based retreat center. A beautiful example of earth-wisdom design, where my mentees and clients can come to learn to cocreate with earth and spirit. 

So instead of buying a new car, I bought a tractor. I treated myself to a sacred trip into the temples of Egypt, not a five star all inclusive resort with mai tais. I funded the build of a beautiful cob/mud hobbit house sweat-lodge temple, instead of re-doing my master bathroom. To me, wealth is the ability to invest in functional medicine and private pilates training to take good care of this body instrument I used to channel. Wealth is the ability to send my son to the college of his dreams, empowering him to make six figures in his chosen career right out of school. Wealth is making generous donations monthly to my indigenous teachers, my local tribal community, to people in need around the world, and to whatever organizations I want to flow abundance through. This is MY definition of WEALTH for me, and I’m living it with my choices and priorities.

So, you may think to yourself, “I don’t want to just be a rich person. I want to be my own version of wealthy.” 

YES. I support that.

What is that version of wealth to you?

When you redefine what Wealth is to you,

You will align with your intention to grow your income.

We do this in the Academy mentorship this trimester,

With clearings, a visioning retreat, and clarification of your renewed vision.

It’s powerful work.

You are invited to join us



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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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