With the holiday hustle and bustle, it’s easy to feel scrambled and stressed. Join Mellissa for a simple meditation that taps the power of the Hermit Archetype that aligns with this month’s energies on the Wheel of Wisdom. In a few breaths, you can feel centered and peaceful, sovereign and calm, even in the midst of the winter storms.
Embracing the Hermit Archetype for December
Preparing for the Hermit Meditation: Warmth and Grounding
Three Breaths Exercise: Gathering and Centering Yourself
Self-Validation: Seeing, Appreciating, and Encouraging Yourself
The Gift of Solitude: Finding Peace in the Chaos
Here we are, moving into December, the dark months. This is where you’ll find me—right here by the fire for most of these long nights. I wanted to share a realization that’s been helping my clients immensely: the archetype of the Hermit.
In December, your body, spirit, and personality naturally yearn to embrace the Hermit. It’s a time in the Northern Hemisphere when the nights are the longest and the dark is the deepest. Yet, this season often comes with pressure—to create perfect holidays, find perfect gifts, and excel in our businesses. Instead, I invite you to tap into the power of your Hermit archetype.
Let me guide you through a simple and meditative way to find inner peace, no matter the season’s chaos. Start by ensuring you are warm. For me, it’s the fire. For you, it could be a car seat warmer, a hot water bottle, a warm bath, or even cuddling up with a pet. This radiant heat source helps your body and nervous system feel comforted and grounded.
Once you’re warm, take deep breaths. Begin with what I call the Three Breaths exercise, a foundational practice in all my programs. As you breathe in, imagine gathering all your scattered parts—the parts shopping, caring for kids, checking on loved ones. Bring them all to your center. As you exhale, feel yourself fully arriving in your body.
Repeat this process. Breathe in, gather your distracted energies, and focus them inward. This may sound simple, but we rarely take the time to center ourselves unless we already have a strong meditation practice. Imagine points of light, representing your energy and attention, coalescing within you as you breathe. Pause here and focus on this quiet, central place within yourself.
Here, in your quiet center, you can truly feel your breath, emotions, and self—things no one else can fully understand or validate. Let go of the need for external validation. Instead, breathe into your own center and say, “I see you. I appreciate you. I encourage you.” These affirmations bring warmth, appreciation, and encouragement to your body and spirit in a way only you can.
Expand this energy as you continue breathing. Let it fill your body, reaching every part of you—your toes, legs, chest, arms, and head. Claim this space as yours. This is your body, your self, and your sanctuary. In these moments, allow yourself to be the Hermit archetype—self-knowing, self-tending, and self-sufficient.
Amidst the holiday busyness and chaos, let this practice ground you. Lean into the Hermit this month, sister. The dark months are meant for inner reflection, warmth, and attention to your inner self. Through this, you’ll find peace, resilience, and even joy, no matter the season’s challenges.
Happy December! Welcome to the month of the Hermit.
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.