Holidays are LONELY for most of us. Even if you’re surrounded by people, you likely feel alone and separate during the dark holiday months. You’re not alone in feeling lonely! Mellissa describes three reasons why the holidays feel lonely, and an easy natural tool for feeling connected, companioned, and supported even when there are no cool humans around!
There’s a big secret about the holidays. It’s a secret that we all know, and we don’t talk about it enough. And that is that. The holidays are the loneliest time of year. They’re so lonely. And there’s a couple reasons for this. And there’s an answer for this. There’s something that I want to give you that can help. So first of all, the holidays feel lonely because they happen during the time of the underworld.
They happen during the dark months of the year. Whether it’s Thanksgiving in November, Christmas or Hanukkah, December, January. Happy new year. Tra la la. Not if you’re in the Northern hemisphere. It’s the dark season. It’s not meant to be the tra la la time. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I like a cozy fire and a cozy cuddle by the fire.
And I like coming together around the table with people that I love. But the idea that we should be really jolly and frenetic and shopping endlessly is completely counter to this time of year in its natural darkness, the time when we would normally be cozy and visioning inside the cave. So this part of the loneliness of the holidays is actually really healthy.
It’s one of the gifts of the dark season to feel yourself, to be introspective. But it can turn into loneliness and disappointment, in part because we’re expected to be so jolly, and being forced to be jolly in social situations is not natural right now. Okay. So that’s one reason. Of course, there’s a second reason about the loneliness of the holidays, which is that there’s so much wounding around our families and our expectations of unconditional love and all the stories that are supposed to go along with the holidays about how perfect everything’s supposed to be and how loving and sort of idyllic and angelic.
And for most of us, our backgrounds and our families were not idyllic, angelic and perfect. And so seeing cultural messages of how perfect everything’s supposed to be and romantic is frankly, depressing. Okay. Thirdly, frankly, the holidays for many of us is a time where we are alone. It’s rare now to have folks who have big family gatherings that they love.
And many of us are going to family gatherings where we feel lonelier than ever because we don’t really feel connected or we’re wounded. So if you are alone in the holidays, or if you’re feeling the pressure of the culture of the holidays, or if you’re just feeling those old hours of the holidays, I want to introduce you to a concept I think that can really help.
And that is the concept of your spirit guides. So you might think about your guardian angel. Do you have a guardian angel? Do you feel sometimes like like something or someone is looking after you? Maybe it’s a beloved ancestor who’s passed on, and you just feel like grandma’s guiding you to that perfect parking spot, you know? Or maybe there’s a certain animal that always shows up.
A hummingbird always shows up at the perfect time, and you feel like that’s a little guard, guardian or guide for you. Well, now’s the time. During these lonely holiday moments that are designed for introspection, that are designed for sacred, rest. It’s a perfect time to relate with those spirit guides. I want you to think of one that you imagine maybe you have, whether it’s an animal you’ve always loved, or a beloved ancestor who you know is like an angel to you now, or a feeling of a guardian angel or otherwise, a spirit guide.
I hope for a helpful, loving presence that guides you and imagine your guides, your spirit guide or guides hugging you and whispering to you right now. I’m right here. I’ve always been right here with you. Watching over you. Sitting with you. I’ve longed to brush the hair out of your eyes when you’ve cried. I’ve long to have you feel my touch on your back.
Touch of support and unconditional love. And as you imagine. Your spirit guides your angel loving you. Can you relax backwards into their embrace? Can you snuggle up with them? Can you allow yourself to feel the unconditional love that your creator has for you through their arms? And recognize that while these dark months full of holiday cheer can be frustrating and lonely, deeply lonely that they are designed this this period, this dark months are designed for connecting the spirit, connecting to the loving guides who’ve got your back and who are dining with you always, who are celebrating you.
Always who are loving you always. And this feeling of a hug and support is available to you 24 over seven, right on through the holidays. Let me know if this touched your heart. Talking to our spirit guides, working with the cycles of the year is something we do and the work that I do with people. And I’m happy to bring this tip and guidance to you right now.
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.