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Scary Marketing Trends and How to Pivot:
What I Never Meant to Share

A Solo Episode

On today's episode...

Enjoy this casual conversation with my friend and colleague Beth Osmer about an alarming trend that is putting Wise Women out of business
… Just at a moment in time when we NEED our wisdom-keepers speaking up to big audiences.

If your internet marketing stuff is BROKEN this year…
Like your events and webinars and emails are not getting clients so easily…
Watch this.
This candid conversation was recorded, but not intended to share publicly. I’m releasing it as a solo episode, though, because the info is to important.

Here's what we discussed in today's episode:

  • Moving away from pushy marketing tactics.

  • Uplifting spiritually gifted women as they navigate their creative and professional journeys.

  • Utilize private podcasts as a powerful tool

  • Engaging Quizzes

  • Psychological Strategies to enhance engagement

Hoping to learn more?

The Transcript

I think people are being asked to communicate in a different way. I mean I know it from my other things because again five episode private podcast is working great quizzes, working fantastic and and, and it’s great that it fills my business.

That’s great. But like I want that for everybody that I love. I want especially like wise women who’s who bridge the worlds because that’s what I, that’s I, I really I don’t really give a shit if the bro marketers don’t figure this out, that would be fine with me. They can disappear. But I don’t need you for the revolution.

So by, the wise men. Great. But the bro marketing pushy, you know, by my formula checklist. You know do here’s let me sell you the the product launch formula that no longer works like I’m just like, it’s okay with me if this whole change kind of accidentally puts you out of business, I’m okay with that. Or, you know how our teachers talk about, like, the two worlds splitting, how there’s now kind of two worlds?

Well, bro marketer, if you’re pushy, scary, fear based, who works with the people who want to continue living in that world right by. But over here, the people that are longing for deep acknowledgment that like that are asking to be communicated with in a different way, I’m like, oh shit, we better figure out how to communicate with them.

And so I’ve got a couple of solutions for that. How can I not share them? How can I not? I think you should. And then you can enroll people into the course. Now that’s what I’m doing. I just changed the curriculum, the fall curriculum for my academy group. So now like, teach people how to do how to how to, you know, outline out their, their signature talk, which is really just their, their messaging points that they use, whether they’re in a, you know, whatever on a podcast episode or on an interview or whatever, that’s it’s like, here’s your soundbites, here’s the order.

You say, here’s how it works so that people can feel you that and then here’s how you turn that into a five episode private podcast funnel. So any episode private like you’re sending them, what are you doing in that? What do you send them? so what you do, you mean, like, how does it work? Yeah. People that so you you strategize, you create according to your own work and system.

You create five episodes that are kind of like. I mean, we’ve all studied different ways of doing like a video sales letter or an offer, but instead of doing it as that pushy stuff, you structure it so that you’re dancing with their concerns about hiring you in the same at the same time as you’re showing them the levels of your service and messaging.

so it’s like you’re you’re speaking. Are you interviewing? Yeah. No. You’re speaking. It’s just a little podcast episode, you know, at the very basis of it, it’s you recording audio, 510 to 20 minute audios. It’s awesome. Yeah. And people love to listen to them because, you know, you can as you know, because you do podcast and somebody stuff, people can listen to that in their ear in a very intimate way while they’re doing the laundry, while they’re taking their daily walk, while they’re just laying down and resting for a minute while they’re puttering around.

They can clean the dishes, whatever. Yeah. It’s there. That’s smart. Yeah. So and then if you do the lunch, what I would be drawn to if I didn’t know you well, I’d be like, I think I will sign up for that is the psychology. How. Yeah. Oh, geez. Changed. Yeah. Yeah. What interests me. Yeah. You’re like here’s the solution.

So podcast and quiz. Let’s talk about the psychology. Yeah. What’s going on and how we need to talk differently and show up. Not fake but just shift. So people can hear. Yeah. Good point. Very good point. I would be so valuable. Yeah. And you’re smart enough to you know. And then you in your own program you could like even one module or whatever.

It’s like, let’s talk about the psychology where people are in their club. Yeah I know, yeah. We talk about that like educational design for the psychology of the people that are listening and learning and being motivated. You know, it’s it’s like, you know, you could study NLP and learn how to tweak their psychology all along the way. Or, or you could study integris intuitive marketing and learn how to meet them where they’re at and mentor them through their decision, which I think is what sales should be.

Yeah, not the in do you think? And the integrity NLP is a tool like a hammer is a tool, but it’s mostly used out of integrity. It’s used in sales a lot of course it works. It makes people do stuff that they didn’t want to do. And for many people, that’s what sales is. It’s making people do what they don’t actually want to do.

And for me, that sorcery. Yes. See that I never thought of. Yeah, I, I know I’ve learned a little bit of the NLP. I don’t use it. I don’t know enough about it. I want to speak to people. Subconscious. Yeah. And you know what I mean. Like not to the, the excuses, but what’s really going on in the subconscious.

Yeah. I mean, when I teach sales, I teach you how to track and speak to your own inner child, your wise woman and your, like, higher self, and then I and then I like to think of that for the client as well. So when I’m in a sales conversation I’m tracking their inner child, what they need, like it’s scary.

Think about investing is terrifying. Their kid is in the room. My kid’s in the room. Like who? I want to work with them. And I’d love money and you know, and it’s like, okay, honey, that’s cool. But and then the higher self is also there. Like, whoa, I’m divinely appointed to this. I actually need to do this or not.

You know, and then the wise parts of us are the decision makers like okay, is this the right timing. Is this the right choice. Like and then there’s no there’s no convincing. It’s just a collaborative conversation between these six parts. You know. And that’s out of the ego. Like you’re getting out of the ego and getting into beyond what’s being said.

And yeah, it’s kind of the higher ego. It’s the it’s the higher, you know, my wise self is part of my ego. I mean, I make choices because I want something and but I’m but I might. It’s where like my ego gets on board with listening with collaborating with the higher self and the inner child. So, so ego can stop being a bad guy and just be the chooser and lean into wisdom more instead of leaning into the critic.

The critic doesn’t really get a seat at the table because the critic is just always such a naysayer. Can check check in with the critic later, you know, see, have anything problems? They have anything constructive to say. But it’s rare. And if you were to talk and speak into the psychology on your lunch, what would you say about where people are right now?

Yeah, I think I would say that honestly. I would say that the numbers are showing us the psychology. It’s not a theory, it’s reality. People don’t open emails, even from people they like. They’re just not going to open them. people are no longer responding to DMs, even if they seem to be an inquiry, like, hey, how’s things going with your blah blah blah, delete like a year ago.

People are like, oh, it’s going great. Thanks for reaching out. Now. It’s like people are like, delete. And so the numbers are showing us that people are skeptical.

They’re exhausted. They’re overwhelmed. They’re not trusting that that’s the big one. They’re not trusting. Why would they trust. And so and so, and they’re feeling barraged, attacked by information. No. So therefore, in my mind, the only thing that works and not just in my mind, because, again, it’s not a theory. I’ve got the numbers. Like if there is a private podcast that I can list to listen to on my own time and in my own space, in my own ear, woman to woman, and I’m choosing it, and then I’m choosing when to listen.

Okay, I want that, I want it, so I’ll have it. If there’s a quiz that gets my curiosity going and it looks fun and not overly heavy or boring or pedantic or wordy or whatever, and I need a lift. And it it promises to see me and acknowledge me in a personal way that matters. Okay, I’ll give it a chance.

Nobody’s watching me. Nobody’s tracking me, doing it on my own time, in my own way. I can do it more than once if I want. And as I’m answering the questions of every single question seems to like Naomi somehow touch me, move me, reflect me, make me giggle, show me I’m not alone. Then I will answer all seven questions.

I will not answer more than ten because I got things to do right. And then if I land on the results, can they? They spin. They reflect. Something’s special about me that I am not getting reflected in this crazy barrage of bullshit. Then I will begin to trust. And then from there, I will go to my inbox and purposefully open the full results report email and that I never do that anymore.

I never go to my email looking for anything, you know, but we get 75% open rates on those emails, 75% huge on the, result email. Yeah. That’s you. That’s big. And it’s not just on my quiz, it’s on my clients quizzes. It’s on my students quizzes. I mean, sometimes they’ll get 6065. Yeah, but still 60% open rate.

That’s awesome. If they’re going through like, oh, so do you like, let’s say you do this lunch, which I think you should do because there are a lot of businesses that are you and I have a base, so. Right. It’s not cricket, but it’s not, it’s not the flow for me. Like it? Well, I mean, it’s like it used to be.

Yeah. And I will get there. I mean, I don’t know, it’s just being smart, but like, it’s so who’s who would you target the launch or is it only spiritual entrepreneurs or are you looking like all around. No, I mean, I, I’m really devoted to my wise women. I’m really devoted to lifting up wise women entrepreneurs. So that’s mostly grown ass women.

That’s mostly like middle aged, you know, and onward women who’ve got some experience and some gravitas and wisdom. I have I have younger women in my programs, too. I don’t chase them out. I have a couple guys in my programs, but I tell them, like, this is a space centered on white women, so you got to be in it.

You got to be cool to be in a woman centered space. And they’re like, yay! That would be so refreshing. I’m going to use the pronoun she. I’m going to make I’m going to I’m going to speak to the women in the room. And, and you’re going to have to sit in your feminine when you’re here and they’re like, fantastic.

Wow. I’m honored to be in the space. And like, that’s right. So you okay? Men and women, the launch. yeah. I mean, I won’t target men. I target white women. I really target, like, spiritually. So yeah, sometimes because they resonate so much with the message. And that’s again, that’s what’s so nice about the quiz. And the podcasting thing is like, my vibe is clear.

I know who I’m here for. If other people resonate with that. If there’s a 30 year old woman who’s like, I really resonate as a wise woman, even though I’m 30 years old, I’ve got an old soul, I’ve got a lot of life experience for 30 year old, and I, I want you to be my mentor. I’m like, come on in.

You know, to do it, I think you should do the launch. And then would you sell your your program at the, yeah, yeah. I basically set it up so they could come into my account, my business academy group, and, at just the right timing at the beginning of October when we’re really structuring their system for speaking.

And then they could put that to use in creating the five episode podcast, and we’ll show them how to implement it, how to do the tech, how to set it up, how to get it, how to get it going. And it can immediately get them clients no matter what, no matter what they’re selling one on one program, whatever.

And then in November, what am I doing in November? Wait, no, November is when I’m teaching the five day private podcast and then the December, which is the quiet month of the year, because my my classes always follow my Wheel of Wisdom calendar, like the natural cycles. So it’s northern hemisphere centric, but like, in December things get quiet.

So they’re like sharing that podcast. But I go into Oracle work, so I do more oracle ING for them. Like, whoa, here’s how your business is shifting. Here’s what I see is happening. So they really get more of my strategic Oracle support and support in getting their info out there. And then in January we help them, renew their offer, like upgrade their offer, raise their price, set promises.

Better clarify how the offer needs to change. Now. That will be after the election. That will be in a different economy. Like there’s all kinds of things that need to get updated every year with their offer. And then in February, I teach them that sales thing I taught. I was just telling you about that how to do spiritual sales.

And then I teach them the quiz, you know, at the end, toward the end, we yeah, that. But, you know, they have access to the quiz training the whole time too. So some people are probably going to be speedy and like, you know, build their quiz while they’re also putting together their five episode podcast. And I help them with all of it.

So I think it’s great. Okay. I’ll help you with the launch. I mean, like get the word out if you want to. Yeah, that’d be great email for you. I don’t have a lot of business people, but there be people on there that want to start businesses. I have a lot of candidates. I really want to do this.

So they yeah, they just need to take the leap. But and then speaking into the psychology and how things are changing and what you’re what what you’ve been watching people do behind the scenes, it’s not working as well as it did. Right. And I think there’s a lot of intuitive women, because I know you work with a lot of intuitive folks like, there’s a lot of intuitive folks that have been thinking for a long time, like, I’d really like to give more intuitive readings, or I’d like to have a podcast, or I’d like to be a thought leader, but I’m not willing to do pushy bullshit marketing like I see everybody’s doing.

Yes, that’s right, those people love my academy. And I’ve got like, it’s funny because I tell people sometimes like, oh, you don’t, you don’t need to make a whole complicated quiz funnel if you’re just starting a business. But I have people who come in, they’re like, I’m just starting a business, and I really want to make a quiz.

And I’m like, okay. And then they make a quiz and they build these huge lists. I had one woman who came in who was like, yeah, I don’t want to make a business, but I might make like a nonprofit or just a club. I just want to create community. And she built her quiz. She created this huge community, and she was literally like, wow, I’m not even sure what I want to do with all these people, but I just keep talking to them about their quiz types and it like it moved her into her leadership thing because she suddenly had followers and she didn’t even try, you know?

But that’s the magic of the quiz. It like it it it yeah, it really it grows lists really fast and you’re not really like there are there are a lot of business coaches that are teaching the summit. They teach Facebook ads. So this is new. Like this is a different right. Yeah. And the other like summits are big.

They’re people are just pumping these summits out. Yeah. But and I love summit I think summit that I wish I just wish they were still working. and maybe, maybe there’s a hybrid here too, which is something that came up when I was talking to you before. So, like, I wonder if there’s a hybrid that wants to be created between this, like, private podcast consumption model and the summit structure, I wonder if people would consume it better if it were more of a private podcast event than video.

Right? And what if I started thinking like, well, how would I do that? Because. Because it’s not just like, turn on the recorder and record for ten minutes and blah, blah, blah, blah, that’s that doesn’t work. So what if, you know, if if in doing your outline of the pieces that you need people to understand so they know they want to work with you in the strategy of that, you think of like people that you could interview or include in that somehow.

and, and then it’s like a hybrid and it might work. It might just work. It might just work to like, include interviews. Yeah. With but it has to be inside of your your strategic outline that meets people’s psychology. I like instructional design. And that meets your your unique work offerings and systems so that as people are listening to these five episodes that include some interview, they’re still on the journey of deepening into your system and, and having their objections to working with you.


So it’s it’s like it needs to be strategized carefully is what I mean, you know, needs to be really carefully strategized. And with your top, it’s the topics to write. Right. And then what you also teach in the fact in that either hybrid or the five podcast create. well, you have the recordings and then they build something bigger from that, like you put them all together and that could be like a package.

You seller, you just keep it specific. So no, it does a certain thing. It’s not it’s not just content delivery. It’s it’s it’s content to it’s more like.

It’s kind of like. What it’s evangelization. It’s kind. It’s more like, you know, like in your case, those five episodes would give people solutions they’re looking for, but simultaneously, it would introduce them to the way that you approach the work that is different than the way other people approach the work. And so you’re, you’re you’re showing them how your unique approach, you’re giving them tips and you’re moving them closer to a yes, to working with you, to investing in the deeper work.

Because we know that’s where the real magic happens is when they finally invest in doing the deeper work. So I don’t have any problem with like encouraging the right people to get the thing they’ve been avoiding investing in. It’s just the right people. So it’s sales, but it’s sales, you know, Integra sales. Not pushy, but but encouraging, deeply encouraging from their higher self standpoint, from their little kid standpoint and for their wise woman.

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About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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