Your New Years Intention depends on what Soul Gift type you have! Come listen to Mellissa give you the important questions you need to ask yourself according to your Soul Gift type to identify your best-fit intention for the new year ahead. We are all special, all different, all gifted!
You are gifted. You have a soul gift that sets you apart from everybody else and now is the time, as you’re considering next year, as you’re standing here on the precipice of a new year, as you’re thinking about where you’re headed. Now is the time to remind yourself that you are gifted in a certain way. So you’ve probably taken the Soul Gift Quiz and Soul Gift and discovered what type of soul gift you have.
If you are a transmitter on the Soul Gift quiz, it means that you are tuning in to what the new energies are that are coming in in 2025. What are you here to emanate? Now, in this next cycle, what has this last cycle taught you? Trained in you. Cleared from you. Initiated in you? What new gifts and new evolutionary frequencies have downloaded for you?
How has it changed? How have you changed since last year? This is what you should be sitting with now towards the end of December, the Hermit month. As we’re looking into January, the month of the archetype. Archetype. You are making this transition of acknowledging how you’ve been shaped, how you’ve been changed, and how your calling has shifted so that you can be ready to emanate what you’re going to emanate in this new year.
If you are a messenger soul gift type person like me, your inquiry is similar but different. Your inquiry is similar in that it’s time to consider back into what you’ve learned, what wisdom you’ve been initiated into, what lessons, what messages, what core message has been instilled in you from the experience of this last cycle? And now, what is firing up your heart and soul to speak into the world, to share in the world in this next cycle?
As you look into the new year, how has your wisdom gift shifted you and how has your wisdom shifted the message you are here to bring? What is evolving in your message? In what you’re here to teach, translate, and make sense of? If you are a creator on this soul gift quiz, if you’re a Creator soul gift, it’s time to look back and see what did you evolve?
What did you create, evolve, critique, and move forward in this last cycle? What did you learn from the experimentation of growth, from the changes you’ve made to the systems that you lean on in your life? What did you learn and what now? Are you spicey and delighted about creating, evolving, critiquing, repairing, restructuring, reorganizing, being in this next cycle?
Let yourself be refreshed. No matter what soul gift type you have, let yourself refresh. Your purpose. Your intention. Because it’s not about repeating the same New Year’s intention every darn year. It’s about tuning in deeply to your soul’s gift, to the talents and calling and energies that make you unique and special. Truly a gift for this new year.
If you are a researcher soul gift type, then you, my friend, are already doing it. You are probably looking back at this last cycle and tabulating what you learned. You’re constantly taking note of what’s new, of what evidence is coming through that changes your mind. You are the one most open to changing your mind as the evidence reveals itself.
So continue to do that. Research and as you look forward into this next cycle, what are you curious about? What has you fascinated? Leaning forward on the edge of your seat to discover in this next year? In this next cycle, let your curiosity be your pointer for your intention for what comes next. If you’re an explorer type, now is the time in the quiet of the winter to yes, of course, go skiing and snowboarding and all sorts of adventure sports in the winter, but also to take time for the inward exploration, for the inward looking, and to notice what fed to you this past year, what nourished your sense of adventure, your expansion, and what
did you expand into that was new this year? And how do you want to continue that expansion of all possibilities into this next year? So you see, no matter what type of soul gift you have from the Soul Gift quiz, whether you’re a creator, a messenger, an explorer, a researcher, or a transmitter, it’s your intrinsic gift itself that points you in the direction of your right alignment as you make your New Year’s intention.
Don’t miss out on how special you are. Don’t pass over the fact that you’re different than everyone else intrinsically. Make sure that as you set your intentions, you’re doing so from your deepest self, from your most profound purpose, and from your most fun gifts.
Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter. Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.