3 Tests of a Good Wisdom Mentor - be they Oracle, Healer, or Guide

with Mellissa Seaman

On today's episode...

Learn the 3 tests Mellissa uses to tell who is a Wisdom Teacher of Integrity.  It’s not just about their knowledge, their vibe, or their instagram appearance. 😉  Come listen and learn these 3 tests, so you can be sure you’re investing your trust wisely.

Here's what we discussed in today's episode:

  • The importance of life experience over just channeling information
  • How to recognize if you’re walking away from a session feeling empowered or diminished
  • The crucial role of humor and play in an authentic spiritual teacher

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The Transcript

Okay, well, it’s a new year, and you’re probably thinking that it’s a good time to find yourself the right advisor, mentor, intuitive of a guide. Because even if you’re a professional psychic advisor, intuitive guide, you need your own oracle. You need your own healer who can touch more than you can touch for yourself. You need your own seer.

Because even though you could be great at seeing for other people, you can’t always see for yourself. And you’re noticing that we are in a time of a lot of confusion around who to trust and what the good information is, and what authority can you trust, what leadership can you trust. And welcome to the Aquarian Age, which means that you’re not going to be happy with some old guru style of teacher who, holds themself over you in any way.

So I wanted to speak to my three favorite tests for Who’s the Real Deal authentic Wisdom teacher, wisdom holder. And I apply these when I’m working with someone. If I’m hiring someone and I encourage you to try them on for yourself. Now, this is in addition to just like, do they know their staff does their work produce results, stuff like that.

In addition to that, these are more the qualities of what I consider, an embodied channel of integrity versus a self-proclaimed guru type. Okay. Number one, do they have experience? Not just not just an open channel, not just the ability to bring things through, but actual experience? For me in my life, I choose teachers who have 20 years of experience and more because there is nothing that makes up for that.

There’s nothing that replaces actual life experience on the path. And I’m a pragmatist as well as a spiritualist. I want someone who’s been through the stuff that I haven’t even been through yet. I want someone who gets it, both on the real world level and on the spirit level. So look for a teacher, a healer, someone who has 20 years of experience doing what they do.

Real, real life experience. Okay? Because there are a lot of young, beautiful, emergent channels who are bringing through. In other words, they’re saying the words, but they haven’t lived through it. And until you’ve lived through it, I don’t think that you can really hold space for, a wise woman who’s lived through much that you haven’t lived through.

So you can get information, but you can’t transmit the lived wisdom, the earned wisdom that you haven’t earned yet, that you haven’t lived yet. So that’s my thing, and I’m curious to hear what you say about that. There’s obviously exceptions to every rule, and there’s old souls and young bodies and blah, blah, blah, but, 20 years of experience, please.

Okay. Secondly, in this one’s really important and, it’s it’s subtle, but it’s critical. And that is when you go get an intuitive reading from someone, if you walk away from that reading or that healing session feeling smaller than them, I mean, it’s cool if you feel impressed with their abilities, that’s nice. But if you walk away feeling smaller or feeling like you need to come back for your next session and not like you need to like a like a craving to come back for the very next session.

That’s that’s a sign that your energy has been diminished from the experience. And that’s the old guru style. At some level, the guru style of learning. And I might not be using the word guru in the same way that you would. So I’m just owning that. But that’s my nickname for it is the guru style, where the person who comes to the advisor kind of has to do like little ablutions or whatever, like they have to they have to, kind of bow down to the one giving them a session, and then the person giving them the session gives them the proclamations of what is true about them, or true and lalalala.

And when you’re receiving in that way, it’s set up where you’re kind of giving some of your energy to that teacher for a while and to that healer, you’re kind of, oh, yes, okay, whatever you say. And you’re giving them some of your energy. Now, in a teacher student relationship, sometimes that’s necessary at first, but a good teacher will always add when the lesson is learned, say, see, this was yours the whole time.

This was always your wisdom. And so when you’re getting an intuitive reading, I think that you should. If if you’re receiving from someone who’s really has full integrity, knowledge knowledgeably, and their integrity, you’re going to walk away from that session actually feeling bigger, not like you’re better than the person who just gave you a session. But but like, you’re not smaller.

Okay. If you find after a session from someone or anyone that you’re feeling smaller, call your energy back. You don’t need to leave your energy with your healer teacher, mentor, psychic? No? Okay, call it back. I like to say when people are receiving a session with me that they’ll often say, wow, I’ve never thought of that. But you just put words to something.

I’ve always felt, boom, I trust that. I trust that because I’m not telling them something that’s making them go, really? No. If they’re saying really, I stop and I ask my guides, can you give me a better translation? Because the truth lands as truth in your body. And a good teacher Oracle psychic, I think. Well always be able to let you stay in your full power.

Well always come from this place that hey, we’re equals. I’m the one helping you right now. And if we were in different situation, you’d be helping me. But right now, I’m helping you with my gift. And we’re equals. That’s a basic level of respect that I, for one, absolutely need. If I’m trusting my inner life with someone. So watch for that.

If you feel small, call your energy back. And it might be a sign that the person that you’re working with is taking your energy. It might be just that you’re so patterned, giving your way of giving away your energy that you were doing it without thinking. So call your energy back. And if it keeps happening, or if, if you are having your power seems to irritate your provider or your psychic, your healer, then get a new one because that’s not it.

Okay, my third test, and this is interesting. I feel like this is also that’s something that’s really changing with the Aquarian Age thing is, more and more so I trust the wisdom teachers who have a sense of humor, a sense of humor. I trust the wisdom teachers who bring, their inner child to the table. But in a totally integris responsible way.

If you’ve ever seen the Dalai Lama crack jokes, and be silly with children, you know. Okay, this guy’s real awake, and he’s also a silly pants. A lot of my non-dual teachers are the Ashanti, for example. They’re goofy. Sometimes they’re funny. And I’ve learned, that holy ones, true, grounded, wise ones of experience and wisdom, especially elders, they are a sense of humor.

And I cannot work with someone who doesn’t like I can’t even I swear I’ve I’ve gone to like, channel things where the channel is very serious and I swear I want to throw spitballs. I want to ping, ping like I want to bring life into the room, because that ominous sounding, authoritative, it’s just it doesn’t feel true to me.

And I’m not going to put this on you, like, oh, this has to be true for you. But if it is, I just want a high five. You say you’re not alone and say that my teachers, like my teacher Maria. Yes, Peru, my Apache mama. She says the same thing. She’s like, honey, watch out. If there’s ever a teacher who doesn’t laugh and giggle and see the humor of creation, take a step back because they might not have their stuff together.

They might be deeply wounded. They might be deeply egoic, they might be playing some power game. But, reverence and irreverence can go together. And in my world, they have to. They have to. Because this whole life, I believe, is like a game. It’s it’s a play we’re in. We’re playing parts. We’re like spirits playing parts in these meat suits called bodies.

And we have to keep our sense of humor about us, even a little bit of dark humor at times. So those are my three tests, okay. To somebody with real life experience, preferably someone who’s been where you want to go, because then they’re embodying the wisdom that you are longing for in yourself. They’re embodying it. They’ve lived it.

So that’s my 20 years experience. And thing. And that’s why all the teachers in my Wisdom school, my Wisdom Collective, and the Wisdom Mastermind, they all have mostly way more than 20 years of experience. And then you should walk away feeling bigger, not smaller, not diminished. Okay. Humbles great. But not diminished. Not diminished. And thirdly, sense of humor.

Please. Sense of humor, please. If there’s no sense of humor when you’re working in the ways even the most deep ceremony, it’s got to have a touch of the fool. Gotta have a touch of the playful child. If it doesn’t perk your coyote ears up, because somebody might be taking things way too seriously. I hope this helps you.

And if you already know that you want me as your mentor, but you’ve been a little shy to ask, please just reach out. I’ve got ways that we can talk on a free call face to face on a group clarity call. Or you can email me like I promise you, I am real. And this is what you see is what you get.

So, and maybe I’m not the right fit for you, but regardless of who you’re stepping in with for mentorship, for guidance, for oracular support, for in the world of business, we call it copyediting. But really, it’s your oracle who can help you find the right words for what you are, for your deepest gifts, and clarity on your path, no matter where you’re going to find that support.

I hope you find one that is worthy of you.

Intuitive energy unique path 7 life initiations

About Mellissa

Mellissa was a Stanford-educated business lawyer until her intuitive abilities awakened in the year 2000 with the birth of her daughter.  Now she bridges the worlds of business strategy and intuitive intelligence. Creative designers, Fortune 500 executives, and thought leaders hire her to teach them how to Channel their Genius – to create on demand, to stay in their flow state, and to create lucrative businesses that follow their souls’ calling.

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