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There are 5 truths that you should know about serving rich powerful famous people as a wise guide.

Listen to this podcast episode where Mellissa spills the beans on the 5 secrets about serving these folks successfully, such that they refer you to friends, hire you over and over, and credit you as the “secret weapon” of their success, all while they become more intuitive, more heart-fulfilled, and better leaders who channel the genius we all need in the world right now.

Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode:

  • Fact busting myths about serving wealthy & powerful people
  • How to have a high investment level
  • Why you need to be conscious of time

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  • Anayza says:

    Such a quality expression. Thank you for sharing this. Really feeling this call you sounded. Thank you.

  • Carolyn says:

    Glad for the rant. It’s so much about results and meeting them in their own bigness. It did put things in a more realistic and honorable frame and posted it on my Twitter platform. I had a lot of money and everyone around needed some of it. It is horrible to have to discern what to do. But now, it doesn’t serve me to step out of the game right now. You are right, we need to meet soul to soul with everyone we meet, not just see what’s in it for me and as a resource rather than a living, wondrous being in the midst of the greatest human transformation .

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