Re-wilding yourself in the Jungle — With Tanya Lynn
On today’s episode… Tanya is the founder of Sisterhood Circles, a global network and community of women holding sacred circles for women. She is now anchored in Costa Rica, with her own land to steward. She is building a temple there for the Sacred Feminine. Here’s what we discussed in today’s episode: City life to […]
A Spiritual Fear of Money
A Spiritual Fear of Money One thing I love about spiritually minded people is they don’t tend to value money above all other things. They don’t seem to be pulled in by a greed focused lifestyle. I suppose that’s because once you’ve had a taste of spiritual union, true healing, and authentic relating, money is […]
Mellissa’s Wisdom Teachers — A solo episode
On today’s episode… “Oh boy. When I graduated from Stanford University and then the University of San Diego School of Law with an award for Public Interest Advocacy, I never imagined that I would end up as a professional Intuitive. But giving birth to Clarise in 2000 blew me open!” Today, we get an inside […]
Menopause is WISDOM TIME for Women Leaders
Menopause is WISDOM TIME for Women Leaders Menopause is WISDOM TIME for Women Leaders There’s a big lie afoot (ok more than one. 😉 ) The one I’m talking about today is the myth that women over 50 are decreasing in power. What if Menopause is Actually WISDOM TIME for us? When we are no […]
The Mystical history of Mary magdalene — with Kathleen McGowan
On today’s episode… Kathleen McGowan’s journey to becoming a foremost expert in women’s history encompasses decades of research, global travel, and her life’s initiations. She has spent nearly 30 years studying the legends of Mary Magdalene in France and that of the women who have claimed her as their spiritual godmother for over 2000 years: […]
REAL Wisdom (what it is, what it’s not, what it’s for)
REAL Wisdom (what it is, what it’s not, what it’s for) Is this Real Wisdom? Have you seen the twin flame couples who have been together for four months, and then start teaching relationship mastery? Have you seen the certification courses that claim to make you into a “shaman” in a weekend? Have you seen […]
The secret to taming your inner critic – With Emma-Louise Elsey
On today’s episode… Emma-Louise Elsey has been a professional life coach since 2004 and founded The Coaching Tools Company and Fierce Kindness. She believes we CAN create a kinder world. Her mission is to do that through Fierce Kindness: practical, thought-provoking, and lasting personal growth that helps you create a life you love AND be […]
The 12 Wisdom Initiations of Your Life
The 12 Wisdom Initiations of Your Life Life is a series of challenges, of lessons, of experiences, right? Sometimes it may seem like there’s no rhyme or reason to the things we experience as we walk through life. Yet there are lessons that we all go through, and developmental stages we all experience. I’ve come […]
What Business Should I Focus on?
What Business Should I Focus on? People ask me all the time – which business should I do? And hey, this is super good question to be asking. Because people with well-functioning million dollar businesses have come to me on many occasions saying, “Whoops. I’ve built a business that doesn’t fit me.” And people […]