3 BIG Lies Wise Women Tell Ourselves to Stay SMALL
3 BIG Lies Wise Women Tell Ourselves to Stay SMALL Ah Wise Woman. You can feel the pull to make a change. You know that the second half of your life is meant to be your BEST, your BIGGEST. But your over-educated brain is LYING to you, keeping you from taking the leap your heart […]
When Law of Attraction FAILS
When Law of Attraction FAILS OK OK I admit it. I’ve always had something against Law of Attraction fanatics. Not Esther. I think she’s amazing. But people who were listening to her, and then going forth to let their minds be the key to everything. Ugh. Barf. Spiritual arrogance flavored with intellectual superiority. Two […]
Want Happiness? Tame your Inner Grump
Want Happiness? Tame your Inner Grump You’re stubborn as a mule. But not in the way YOU think… You think you SHOULD be exercising, meditating, and eating more green stuff. Because you resist, you think you’re stubborn. But actually, you’re being stubborn in failing to celebrate your successes. It’s not that you’re too easy […]
Play or DIE!!! (Initiation 4: Childhood Imagination and Play)
Play or DIE!!! (Initiation 4: Childhood Imagination and Play) You need to take life super seriously. Work hard. Don’t stop. Work work work! *Just kidding!* Have you noticed that your best ideas come through you when you are feeling relaxed, playful, and open? You know, like when you’re in the shower! Or if you’re on […]
Menopause is Maturity for Women Leaders
Menopause is Maturity for Women Leaders There’s a big lie afoot (ok more than one. 😉 The one I’m talking about today is the myth that women over 50 are decreasing in power. What if Menopause is Actually Maturity? When we are no longer driven by egoic desire When we are seduced by soul When […]
Overly-educated Good Girl has the most crippling Inner Critic? (Life Passage 3: Childhood Choice)
Overly-educated Good Girl has the most crippling Inner Critic? (Life Passage 3: Childhood Choice) If you’re reading this, you are likely well-educated. Possibly overly-educated. (That’s just who I tend to attract) Hey, I get it. I was the valedictorian of my private high school before I went on to Stanford University and later, law […]
Born and Re-Born – All the Dang Time! (Life Passage 2: Birth)
Born and Re-Born – All the Dang Time! (Life Passage 2: Birth) That blessed day that you were born! Yah sure, it was blessed, cause you took your first breath! But it might have also been a tough day – for you, for your mom… who knows. I mean, in our modern world, that […]
Begin Again! Enthusiasm Sparks You First! (Life Passage One: Conception)
Begin Again! Enthusiasm Sparks You First! (Life Passage One: Conception) Oh goody! I can’t wait to share this with you! I’m wiggling in my seat like a puppy wagging her tail. I’m smiling big and biting my tongue! I’m full of this feisty rising tide of enthusiasm! This is where EVERY great action begins. Enthusiasm. […]
Life as 9 Initiations – and How I saw God at the Frog Pond at Age 7
Life as 9 Initiations – and How I saw God at the Frog Pond at Age 7 Sometimes it feels like life is a TEST, right? Stuff happens. And at the time, you cry out WHYYYY?!!! Why do I have to be challenged, frustrated, hurt, let down? But down the road, you look back […]
Big Mama’s Secrets for how to CREATE
Big Mama’s Secrets for how to CREATE Want money, wealth, and physical abundance? The secret is to come down out of your head, and collaborate with the force that’s in charge of the physical stuff… the BigMama below! I know. There’s always been a lot of talk about the Big-Old-Guy-Creator God in the Sky. But, […]